This is not a bug.

In the man page of the isdigit:

These functions check whether c, which must have the value of an
unsigned char or EOF, falls into a certain  character class according
to the current locale.

You should first test your value with a isascii if using isdigit.

Your code has a major memory overflow risk:
    scanf("%d", &devisor);

1) Your test is wrong:

while(isdigit(devisor)); does not do what you think.

When you are giving it 21, it takes that code and says : the ASCII
code 22 is not a digital value in the ASCII table.

2) scanf is really a dangerous function, because of this overflow
issue, bad error handling.
      - better is scanf with a %s in a buffer that you parse
afterwards with strtol for example (good for error testing)
      - even better, fgets which allows to minimize the bugs of your
code by allowing error management.


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:55 AM, vartan<> wrote:
> dear maintainer:
> the fallowing is a small sample of the code that contains all the info
> to reproduce the problem.
> the C library function isdigit() fails and causes segmention fault when
> the input is is not numeric like xx.
> COMPILE COMMAND : >> gcc -ansi --version -Wall  -o ch2-13.out    -lm
> ch2-13.c
> gcc (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2
> Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc

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