Bug #: 50242
           Summary: __attribute__((naked)) is ignored on IA32 (x86)
    Classification: Unclassified
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.5.2
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P3
         Component: c++

Given the follow c++ file:
__attribute__((naked)) void test(int a)
    asm("//Do stuff");
    asm("ret $4");

struct myclass
    __attribute__((naked)) ~myclass()
        asm("//Do stuff");

    virtual void virt() { };

void testmyclass()
    myclass x;
The compiler will give the following complaints:
testnaked.cpp:1:39: warning: 'naked' attribute directive ignored
testnaked.cpp:9:34: warning: 'naked' attribute directive ignored
Additionally, prolog and epilog code is generated. The relevant parts of the
assembler output with added commentary follow:
__Z4testi: //test(int)
 # 3 "testnaked.cpp" 1
    //Do stuff
 # 0 "" 2
 # 4 "testnaked.cpp" 1
    ret $4
 # 0 "" 2
    ret // This ret shouldn't be here.
__ZN7myclassD1Ev: //myclass::~myclass()
    movl    4(%esp), %eax // Destructor prolog that restores the vtable.
    movl    $__ZTV7myclass+8, (%eax) // These 2 lines shouldn't be present.
 # 11 "testnaked.cpp" 1
    //Do stuff
 # 0 "" 2
 # 12 "testnaked.cpp" 1
 # 0 "" 2
    ret // This ret shouldn't be here.
My apologies for the AT&T syntax, but that's what -S yields.

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