Coding to detect end of file or read error just won't work, and I can't see a
work around.  Coding to differentiate between end of file and error condition
doesn't work, it all acts like an error.

I have a test code, included below, which creates a simple unformatted file
with two records.  The first record contains a single integer, and the second
record contains three integers.  

Once this test file is created, it is re-opened and read, attempting a read of
three integers, rather than 1 integer, on the first record. This should create
a error condition, and it should write out the stop error message stating so. 
Instead, it writes out the message for the END=100 label.  

Using IOSTAT doesn't differentiate between end= and err= conditions either, it
seems to return 0 for no problems, and -1 for anything else...

Code has been run on opteron, centrino, and itanium systems, all running linux
(fedora core 8 on the first two, last Suse)

!---Relevant Code follows----
      integer ni, nj, nk
      ni = 1
      nj = 1
      nk = 1
      write(1) ni
      write(1) ni,nj,nk
      ni = 0
      nj = 0
      nk = 0
      write(*,*)ni, nj, nk
      stop 'No End, No ERror'
   10 continue
      write(*,*)ni, nj, nk
      stop 'ERror'
  100 continue
      write(*,*)ni, nj, nk
      stop 'End'
!-------------------End of Code ----------------

           Summary: iostat and/or end= and Err= don't work in read
                    statements, unformatted reads
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.1.2
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: major
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: michael dot e dot olsen at nasa dot gov

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