Remarks on manual Gfortran
(Page numbers and such refer to the PDF-file available online
at 19 september 2008)

General remarks
1. Section on distributing programs is missing:
   What is needed if you have created a product to distribute it to
   customers? (Either with or without sources)
2. Section on floating-point issues is missing:
   How do the compile options influence the floating-point behaviour?
   What is the treatment of special values such as Inf and Nan?
   What happens with atan2(0,0)?
3. POSIX-type extensions in the language reference:
   No particular information is given how the various functions
   (SYMLNK for instance or STAT) work (or do not work) on a non-POSIX
   system like MS Windows.

Specific remarks

Missing words indicated as _words_
Superfluous words indicated as /words/

Page 1.
(bullet 2) because _it_ is easy to make ...

(bullet 3) The Fortran 90 _standard_ requires

Sentence: "When writing Fortran, it is easy to make big mistakes
That is not a very encouraging statement, it is also not inherent to
Fortran (but rather to programming in general) and it adds no
information. Just remove it.

Page 7.
I have seen at least one version of Gfortran that said (with
--help) "This option lacks documentation" or similar words. Version
"4.3.2-tdm-1 for MinGW" does not list it at all

Page 8.
The explanation is not very clear, in my opinion: it accepts all intrinsic
procedures without regard to -std, but it is very useful with -std=f95?
The next sentence I had to read it two or three times.

Perhaps something like:
This option causes all intrinsic procedures (including the GNU-specific
extensions) to be accepted. Any user-defined procedures with the same
name are ignored.

What is the default? (-fd-lines-as-comments, I suppose)

-fdefault-double-8 etc:
Does this have any influence on selected_real_kind() or kind(1.0), etc.?

Page 15.
This flag does not appear in the documentation, other than under

Page 16.
are likely to /to/ trigger

Page 17.
When would you use this flag? Would it make distribution easier?

Page 20.
_Note:_ In the future

Page 23.
On Windows I have had severe problems with temporary files opened
from a C program (tmpfile()): Files were opened on the root directory
of a network disk - which was prohibited, of course.

How is that taken care of in Gfortran?

Page 29.
-fshort-enums should not be "hyphenated".

Page 31.

Please replace the sentence explaining k by something like the
following, to stress that the _numerical_ value of k is platform-dependent:

"where k is the kind parameter suitable for the intended precision. As
kind parameters are implementation-dependent, use the kind(),
selected_int_kind() and selected_real_kind() functions to retrieve the
correct value, for instance:

REAL*8 x can be replaced by:

integer, parameter :: dbl = kind(1.0d0)
real(dbl)          :: x"

Page 38.
"to the existence of an important number of extensions:"
Shouldn't that be:
"to the existence of a number of important extensions"

Page 39.
(comment) manipulates -> manipulate

Page 41.
ABORT: produces a coredump even if -fno-dump-core is in effect?

ABS: COMPLEX(8) return type - shouldn't that be REAL(8)?

ACCESS: how is the executable flag determined on MS Windows?

ACOS: that is less than _or equal to_ one

ADJUSTL: the standard that introduced it is Fortran 90, but perhaps this
is too detailed.

ALLOCATED: if (allocated(x) .eqv. .false.) ...
This is an ugly style and actually a misuse of .eqv., use instead:
           if (.not. allocated(x)) ...


ASSOCIATED: Is it still possible that association status of a pointer is
undefined? I thought Fortran 95 solved that monstrum?

If I understand it correctly, the return value of associated(p,a) is
always false if a is a zero-sized array?

BIT_SIZE: ... by the type of I. _The result bit_size() is independent of
the actual value of I._

BTEST: ... I is set. The counting of the bits starts at 0.

CHDIR: does it change the disk drive on Windows automatically? So that
    CALL CHDIR( "C:/" )

COSH: for real argument x, cosh(x) >= 1

COUNT: scaler -> scalar. The range formatting is wrong: 1/leqDIM/leqn

Note: scaler occurs more often, and the range formatting too

CSHIFT: range formatting wrong, "scaler"

DIGITS: significant _binary_ digits

DOT_PRODUCT: "scaler"

EOSHIFT: "scaler" (2x) and range formatting

EPSILON: replace by: EPSILON(X) returns the smallest number E of the
same kind as X such that 1+E is not equal to 1.

Is LENGTH independent of the buffer used (so that you can use it to
check that all of the argument was retrieved)?
retrival -> retrieval
positiv -> positive

This is missing a reference to the standard routine DATE_AND_TIME
(I think it would be good to mention the standard routines for all
date and time related GNU-specific intrinsics).

"Does not return"? This text appears more often with subroutines, but is
only correct for ABORT and EXIT. As subroutines have no return values,
perhaps leave out that part?

What is the imaginary part for complex arguments?

Allows negative values like -0.5?

MAXLOC does _not_ return a scalar if the array is of rank 1:

This program fails to compile: Incompatible ranks 0 and 1 in assignment

! maxlocp.f90 --
!     Check the return value of maxloc for a one-dimensional array
program maxlocp
    integer             :: pos
    real, dimension(10) :: x

    call random_number( x )

    pos = maxloc(x)

    write(*,*) pos
end program maxlocp

Replace "...the result is the most negative number" by "... the result


PRODUCT: formatting error - RESULT = ... ]) RESULT = ...

Does each run of the program produce the _same_ or a different sequence?
(Perhaps a clue as to how to guarantee the same sequence is used?)

return -> returns
"greater" is superfluous

There is no information on the interface for the signal handler. Does it
take any parameters?

Function form missing

Page 169.
Vertical spacing between C_FUNLOC and C_LOC

Page 170.
(CHARACTER(KIND=C_CHAR) lacks a closing paren.

           Summary: Remarks on user manual for Gfortran
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.4.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: arjen dot markus at wldelft dot nl

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