Bug ID: 97457
           Summary: [10/11 Regression] SVE: wrong code since
           Product: gcc
           Version: 11.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: target
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: acoplan at gcc dot
  Target Milestone: ---

AArch64 GCC miscompiles the following testcase:

int a;
long c;
signed char d(char e, char f) { return e + f; }
int main(void) {
  for (; a <= 1; a++) {
    c = -8;
    for (; c != 3; c = d(c, 1))
  char b = c;
  if (b != 3)

with -O3 -march=armv8.2-a+sve since

commit 2d56600c8de397d09a16dedd33d310a763a832ae
Author: Richard Sandiford <>
Date:   Sat Nov 16 11:14:51 2019

    [AArch64] Add truncation for partial SVE modes

On a machine with 512-bit SVE vectors, we end up with c = 11 and hit the call
to abort.

The generated code at r10-4752 is as follows. I've annotated it with the
runtime behaviour of a machine with 512-bit SVE vectors.

        addvl   sp, sp, #-1
        adrp    x7, a
        sub     sp, sp, #16
        stp     x29, x30, [sp]
        mov     x29, sp
        ldr     w4, [x7, #:lo12:a]
        cmp     w4, 1
        bgt     .L20
        cntd    x6          // x6 := 8
        neg     w3, w6      // w3 := -8
        add     w3, w3, 11  // w3 := 3
        sub     w6, w6, #1  // x6 := 7
        ptrue   p0.b, all
        pfalse  p1.b
        .p2align 3,,7
        cmp     w6, 10
        bhi     .L10        // not taken
        mov     w0, 0
        index   z1.d, #-8, #1
        .p2align 3,,7
        incd    x0          // x0 := 8
        mov     z0.d, z1.d
        cmp     w0, w3
        add     z0.b, z0.b, #1
        incd    z1.d
        sxtb    z2.d, p0/m, z0.d
        bls     .L7         // not taken
        add     x1, sp, 16
        addvl   x2, sp, #1
        st1b    z0.d, p0, [x1, #7, mul vl]
        uxtw    x1, w0      // x1 := 8
        cmp     w0, 11
        ldrb    w5, [x2, 15]
        sub     x2, x1, #8  // x2 := 0
        lastb   x1, p1, z2.d
        beq     .L8         // not taken
        add     w1, w2, 1   // w1 := 1
        cmp     w0, 10
        and     w5, w1, 255 // w5 := 1
        sxtb    x1, w1      // x1 := 1
        beq     .L8
        add     w1, w5, 10  // w1 := 11
        and     w5, w1, 255 // w5 := 11
        sxtb    x1, w1      // x1 := 11
        add     w4, w4, 1   // outer loop induction variable (a)
        cmp     w4, 2
        bne     .L4         // taken 1st time round, x0 reset to 0 at top of
        adrp    x0, c
        str     w4, [x7, #:lo12:a] // write a back (a = 2)
        str     x1, [x0, #:lo12:c] // write c back (c = 11!)
        cmp     w5, 3
        bne     .L22        // boom! (w5 = 11)
        ldp     x29, x30, [sp]
        addvl   sp, sp, #1
        mov     w0, 0
        add     sp, sp, 16
        .p2align 2,,3
        mov     w5, 249
        b       .L6
        adrp    x0, c
        ldrb    w5, [x0, #:lo12:c]
        b       .L5
        bl      abort
        .size   main, .-main
        .comm   c,8,8
        .comm   a,4,4
        .ident  "GCC: (unknown) 10.0.0 20191116 (experimental)"

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