Bug ID: 94419
           Summary: accepting wrong programs because compiler error
           Product: gcc
           Version: unknown
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: ada
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: yyelle at rbx dot email
  Target Milestone: ---

I'm currently studing Ada and using GCC and I found a number of bugs in
compiler. It is about Ada 2012. Example buggy code is here:

package A is
        type tp is private; -- tp here is considered constrained. Users of
public part will see this only, they do not see unconstrained'ness of private
        type atp is access all tp;
        function ff1 return atp;
        function ff2 return atp;
        procedure pp1(p: atp);
        type dd is range 1..10;
        type tarr is array(dd range <>) of Integer;
        type tp(x : dd := 10) is record -- tp here becomes considered
                a:  tarr(1..x);
        end record;
end A;
package body A is
        xx : aliased tp; -- unconstrained
        yy : aliased tp(2); -- constrained
        zz : aliased tp(10); -- constrained.
        ax : aliased atp(10); -- access, constrained;
        function ff1 return atp is
                return yy'Access; -- Conversion from access to constrained to
access unconstrained is errorneous because constrained partial view. Should be
reported but does not by GNAT.
        end ff1;

        function ff2 return atp is
                return xx'Access; -- ok
        end ff2;

        procedure pp1(a : atp) is
                ax := a; -- conversion from unconstrained to constrained (and
constraint match). Errorneous again. Should be reporrted, but GNAT doesn't
report. a here will be xx.

        procedure pp2 is
                xx := ( x => 2, others => 0);
                ax.all := zz; -- No error by GNAT, but is errorneous. ax.all is

end A;

-- User of A:
with A;
procedure Proc is
        A.ff1.all := A.ff2.all; -- No error reported, no error schould be
reported, but it tries to change the discriminant of constrained variable (and
alter the array size). Is bad.

-- Ever more bad
package B is
        type R is private;
        procedure pp;
        type R(x: Integer := 1) is null record;
end B;

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body B is
        procedure pp is
                type A is access all R;
                type A1 is access all R(1);
                type A2 is access all R(2);
                xx : aliased R(1);
                yy : aliased R(2);
                zz : aliased R;

                aa1 : A1 := xx'Access;
                aa2 : A2 := yy'Access;
                Put_Line("xx.x = " & xx.x'Image); -- schould be 1
                aa1.all := aa2.all; -- No error reported by GNAT.
                Put_Line("xx.x = " & xx.x'Image); -- 1 ?
                zz := xx; -- ok
                Put_Line("zz.x = " & zz.x'Image); -- 2.
        end pp;
end B;

-- The following is about accessibility

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure C is
        type R(ad : access Integer) is null record;
        a : access R;
        procedure inner is
                y: aliased integer := 0;
                a := new R'(ad => y'Access);
        end; -- y lifetime is ended.
        Put_Line(" = " &'Image); -- 0
        Put_Line(" = " &'Image); -- 32767 ?

Please, note Ada is not C, Ada is about safety. A program should be checked for
corectness and any errors must be reported almost always, at runtime also.
There are also cases when checks would be too hard to implement, but those
cases are relatively rare, they ever need more arguments, than implementation
complexity. And there is no intent to go to what C language is, Ada is not C.

Another bad thing in GNAT is implementation of "mutable" records, they always
need maximum memory. It is from GNAT manual:
type Rec (D : Positive := 15) is record
       Name : String (1..D);
    end record;

    Too_Large : Rec;

is flagged by the compiler with a warning: an attempt to create
`Too_Large' will raise `Storage_Error', because the required size
includes `Positive'Last' bytes.

It is bad. I think such records should be dynamically reallocatable. GNAT
manual says that such way is improper, but it is not that, it is right. Name in
example above may be allocated and reallocated "in free memory" and record
itself contain address of Name. If, for example, Name are passed as an aliased
parameter to a procedure, discriminant D schould not alter (while the parameter
is in use), this stated by Ada rules (the result is ever "errorneous
execution", which may be unpredictable). Also x.Name'Access will be error.
Really I think there schould be some "representational aspect" to say using
"max memory allocation" (as current implementation), or "dynamic realloc", and
ever latter ("dynamic realloc") schould be default (in this example anyways).
Rationale: above code does not work at all (because Storage_error) in current
implementation, but it is one of Ada feautures.

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