Bug ID: 107442
           Summary: Concept and Template Var mangling
           Product: gcc
           Version: 13.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: c++
          Assignee: unassigned at gcc dot
          Reporter: nathan at gcc dot
  Target Milestone: ---

>From a discussion re clang's mangling
(, I find some GCC cases

namespace Concept { template<typename> concept True = true; }
namespace Struct_ { template<typename> struct True {}; }
namespace Var____ { template<typename> constexpr bool True = true; }
namespace Functio { template<typename> void True (); }

template <bool> struct ImplExpr { template <typename T> using Type = T; };
template <typename> struct ImplType { template <typename T> using Type = T; };
template <void ()> struct ImplFunc { template <typename T> using Type = T; };

template <bool C, typename T> using IfExpr
  = typename ImplExpr<C>::template Type<T>;
template <typename C, typename T> using IfType
  = typename ImplType<C>::template Type<T>;
template <void C (), typename T> using IfFunc
  = typename ImplFunc<C>::template Type<T>;

template<typename T> using TypeConcept = IfExpr<Concept::True<T>, T>;
template<typename T> using TypeStruct_ = IfType<Struct_::True<T>, T>;
template<typename T> using TypeVar____ = IfExpr<Var____::True<T>, T>;
template<typename T> using TypeFunctio = IfFunc<Functio::True<T>, T>;

template<typename T> TypeConcept<T> fConcept () {return {};}
template<typename T> TypeStruct_<T> fStruct_ () {return {};}
template<typename T> TypeVar____<T> fVar____ () {return {};}
template<typename T> TypeFunctio<T> fFunctio () {return {};}

int main ()
  fConcept<int> ();
  fStruct_<int> ();
  fVar____<int> ();
  fFunctio<int> ();

neroon:270>./cc1plus -quiet -std=c++20 -o - | grep '^_Z'

neroon:270>clang++ -S -std=c++20 -o - | grep '^_Z'      
_Z8fConceptIiEN8ImplExprIL_ZN7Concept4TrueIT_EEEE4TypeIS3_EEv: #
_Z8fStruct_IiEN8ImplTypeIN7Struct_4TrueIT_EEE4TypeIS3_EEv: #
_Z8fVar____IiEN8ImplExprIXsr7Var____E4TrueIT_EEE4TypeIS1_EEv: #
_Z8fFunctioIiEN8ImplFuncIXsr7FunctioE4TrueIT_EEE4TypeIS1_EEv: #

We're dropping the scoping off Concept::True<T> and Var____::True<T> &
Functio::True<T> (we're representing these as TEMPLATE_ID_EXPRs, and the
mangler only expects an unqualified function there).  Should we represent these
using ScopeRef, like clang does for the variable case (the clang issue is what
should it do for the concept case).  Or should we mangle both concept and var
as a template instantiation like the class case?

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