This patch updates the analysis of aspect/pragma Refined_Global to interpret
states and variables with an encapsulating state as constituents only when the
related state has visible refinement.

-- Source --


package Parent
  with Abstract_State => State
   procedure Dummy;
   Var : Integer := 0 with Part_Of => State;
end Parent;

--  parent.adb

with Parent.Priv_Child;

package body Parent
  with Refined_State => (State => (Var, Parent.Priv_Child.Priv_State))
   procedure Dummy is begin null; end Dummy;
end Parent;


private package Parent.Priv_Child
  with Abstract_State => (Priv_State with Part_Of => State)
   procedure OK (Param : Integer)
     with Global => (In_Out => (Var, Priv_State));
end Parent.Priv_Child;

--  parent-priv_child.adb

package body Parent.Priv_Child
  with Refined_State => (Priv_State => Priv_Var)
   Priv_Var : Integer := 0;

   procedure OK (Param : Integer)
     with Refined_Global => (In_Out => (Var, Priv_Var))
   is begin null; end OK;
end Parent.Priv_Child;

-- Compilation --

$ gcc -c parent-priv_child.adb

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2014-02-19  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

        * sem_prag.adb (Check_Refined_Global_Item):
        A state or variable acts as a constituent only it is part of an
        encapsulating state and the state has visible refinement.

Index: sem_prag.adb
--- sem_prag.adb        (revision 207884)
+++ sem_prag.adb        (working copy)
@@ -22610,10 +22610,13 @@
          --  Start of processing for Check_Refined_Global_Item
-            --  The state or variable acts as a constituent of a state, collect
-            --  it for the state completeness checks performed later on.
+            --  When the state or variable acts as a constituent of another
+            --  state with a visible refinement, collect it for the state
+            --  completeness checks performed later on.
-            if Present (Encapsulating_State (Item_Id)) then
+            if Present (Encapsulating_State (Item_Id))
+             and then Has_Visible_Refinement (Encapsulating_State (Item_Id))
+            then
                if Global_Mode = Name_Input then
                   Add_Item (Item_Id, In_Constits);

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