This patch set completes the range-op dispatch and unification rework.

The first 7 patches move the remainder of the integral table to the unified table, and remove the integer table.

The 8th patch moves all the pointer specific code into a new file

Patches 9-12 introduce a "hybrid" operator class for the 4 operations which pointers and integer share a TREE_CODE, but have different implementations.  And extra hybrid class is introduced in the pointer file which inherits from the integer version, and adds new overloads for the used methods which look sa tthe type being passed in and does the dispatcxh itself to either the inherited integer version, or call the pointer version opcode.

This allows us to have a unified entry for those 4 operators (BIT_AND_EXPR, BIT_IOR_EXPR, MIN_EXPR, and MAX_EXPR) and move on.   WHen we introduce a pointer range type (ie PRANGE), we can simply add the prange signature to the appropriate range_operator methods, and remove the pointer and hybrid classes.

 patch 13 thru 16 does some tweaking to range_op_handler and hows its used. It now provides a default operator under the covers, so you no longer need to check if its valid.   The valid check now simply indicates if its has a custom operator implemented or not. This means you can simply write:

if (range_op_handler (CONVERT_EXPR).fold_range (...  ))

without worrying about whether there is an entry.  If there is no CONVERT_EXPR implemented, you'll simple get false back from all the calls.

Combined with the previous work, it is now always safe to call any range_operator routine via range_op_handler with any set of types for vrange parameters (including unsupported types)  on any tree code, and you will simply get false back if it isn't implemented.


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