These tests show that changing the system clock has an effect on
std::future::wait_until when using std::chrono::system_clock but not when
using std::chrono::steady_clock. Unfortunately these tests have a number of

1. Nothing that is attempting to keep the clock set correctly (ntpd,
   systemd-timesyncd) can be running at the same time.

2. The test process requires the CAP_SYS_TIME capability (although, as it's
   written it checks for being root.)

3. Other processes running concurrently may misbehave when the clock darts
   back and forth.

4. They are slow to run.

As such, I don't think they are suitable for merging. I include them here
because I wanted to document how I had tested the changes in the previous
 libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/async/ | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/async/ 
index 755c95cbea6..4f547fb5a75 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/async/
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/async/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@

 #include <future>
 #include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>

 using namespace std;

@@ -157,6 +158,71 @@ void test04()

+void perturb_system_clock(const std::chrono::seconds &seconds)
+  struct timeval tv;
+  if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
+    abort();
+  tv.tv_sec += seconds.count();
+  if (settimeofday(&tv, NULL))
+    abort();
+// Ensure that advancing CLOCK_REALTIME doesn't make any difference
+// when we're waiting on std::chrono::steady_clock.
+void test05()
+  auto const start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  future<void> f1 = async(launch::async, []() {
+      std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10));
+    });
+  perturb_system_clock(chrono::seconds(20));
+  std::future_status status;
+  status = f1.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(4));
+  VERIFY( status == std::future_status::timeout );
+  status = f1.wait_until(start + std::chrono::seconds(6));
+  VERIFY( status == std::future_status::timeout );
+  status = f1.wait_until(start + std::chrono::seconds(12));
+  VERIFY( status == std::future_status::ready );
+  auto const elapsed = chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
+  VERIFY( elapsed >= std::chrono::seconds(10) );
+  VERIFY( elapsed < std::chrono::seconds(15) );
+  perturb_system_clock(chrono::seconds(-20));
+// Ensure that advancing CLOCK_REALTIME does make a difference when
+// we're waiting on std::chrono::system_clock.
+void test06()
+  auto const start = chrono::system_clock::now();
+  auto const start_steady = chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  future<void> f1 = async(launch::async, []() {
+      std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5));
+      perturb_system_clock(chrono::seconds(60));
+      std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5));
+    });
+  future_status status;
+  status = f1.wait_until(start + std::chrono::seconds(60));
+  VERIFY( status == std::future_status::timeout );
+  auto const elapsed_steady = chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_steady;
+  VERIFY( elapsed_steady >= std::chrono::seconds(5) );
+  VERIFY( elapsed_steady < std::chrono::seconds(10) );
+  status = f1.wait_until(start + std::chrono::seconds(75));
+  VERIFY( status == std::future_status::ready );
+  perturb_system_clock(chrono::seconds(-60));
 int main()
@@ -165,5 +231,9 @@ int main()
+  if (geteuid() == 0) {
+    test05();
+    test06();
+  }
   return 0;

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