On 04/05/2012 03:30 PM, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
On Wed, 4 Apr 2012 07:09:46 -0500
Dennis Gilmore<den...@gilmore.net.au>  wrote:
Fedora does use /lib64 on x86_64 I would personally prefer /libhfp but
wouldn't object to /libhf  though today we have f17 about to go beta
and all of rawhide built using /lib

Hi Dennis,

One potential problem that is born from the /libhf suggestion is the
danger of having a new top level directory (/libhf) with only one
file, the dynamic linker. AFAIU it, no distro is currently willing to
move away from its existing scheme (/lib), Debian is most likely not
going to, at best there could be a symlink /libhf ->  /lib/<triplet>,
but that is not solving the problem IMHO. What about other distros,
if everyone is going to use a symlink for /libhf, then even
suggesting it and relying on new top-level directories to solve the
problem is the wrong approach.

Loic suggested a -IMHO- better solution: to change the dynamic linker
filename, not the dir, i.e. /lib/ld-linux-hf.so.3 (for this
particular case).

Note that Fedora is a moving target and there already was a mentioning¹ of /lib/<triplet> for libraries earlier this year during a developers conference². I am not sure what the current status of that proposal is, but I think it is entirely possible that Fedora may follow the format Debian is using.


¹ see page 5 from this presentation: http://rvokal.fedorapeople.org/devconf2012/harald-A_streamlined_and_fully_compatible_Linux_Files.pdf

² http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DeveloperConference2012

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