Re: Ada testcase CR line endings

2012-04-10 Thread Arnaud Charlet
 So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.
 is an example if one such file, any objections?

No objections.

Re: Ada testcase CR line endings

2012-04-10 Thread Mike Stump
On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:24 PM, Arnaud Charlet wrote:
 So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.
 is an example if one such file, any objections?
 No objections.

Applied to trunk and 4.7.x.  Thanks.

Index: gnat.dg/array19.adb
--- gnat.dg/array19.adb (revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array19.adb (revision 186265)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
--- { dg-do compile }
-package body Array19 is
-   function N return Integer is
-   begin
-  return 1;
-   end;
-   type Array_Type is array (1 .. N) of Float;
-   type Enum is (One, Two);
-   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-  case D is
- when One = null;
- when Two = A : Array_Type;
-  end case;
-   end record;
-   procedure Proc is
-  R : Rec;
-  function F return Array_Type is
-  begin
- return (others = 0.0);
-  end F;
-   begin
-  R.A := F;
-   end;
-end Array19;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package body Array19 is
+   function N return Integer is
+   begin
+  return 1;
+   end;
+   type Array_Type is array (1 .. N) of Float;
+   type Enum is (One, Two);
+   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+  case D is
+ when One = null;
+ when Two = A : Array_Type;
+  end case;
+   end record;
+   procedure Proc is
+  R : Rec;
+  function F return Array_Type is
+  begin
+ return (others = 0.0);
+  end F;
+   begin
+  R.A := F;
+   end;
+end Array19;
Index: gnat.dg/
--- gnat.dg/ (revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/ (revision 186265)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-package Array19 is
-   procedure Proc;
-end Array19;
+package Array19 is
+   procedure Proc;
+end Array19;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr11.adb
--- gnat.dg/aggr11.adb  (revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr11.adb  (revision 186265)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options -O }
-with Aggr11_Pkg; use Aggr11_Pkg;
-procedure Aggr11 is
-  A : Arr := ((1 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
-   2 = (Kind = Error),
-   3 = (Kind = Error),
-   4 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
-   5 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
-   6 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True)));
-   null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options -O }
+with Aggr11_Pkg; use Aggr11_Pkg;
+procedure Aggr11 is
+  A : Arr := ((1 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
+   2 = (Kind = Error),
+   3 = (Kind = Error),
+   4 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
+   5 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True),
+   6 = (Kind  = No_Error, B = True)));
+   null;
Index: gnat.dg/discr6.adb
--- gnat.dg/discr6.adb  (revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr6.adb  (revision 186265)
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options -gnatdm -gnatws }
-with Discr6_Pkg;
-procedure Discr6 is
-  type T_Bit is range 0..1;
-  type T_Entier_16 is range -2**15 .. 2**15-1;
-  package My_Q is new Discr6_Pkg(T_Entier_16);
-  type T_Valeur is (BIT, Entier_16);
-  type R(D : T_Valeur) is record
-case D is
-  when BIT = V_BIT : T_Bit;
-  when Entier_16 = V_E16 : T_Entier_16;
-end case;
-  end record;
-  for R use record
-V_BIT at 0 range 0..7;
-V_E16 at 0 range 0..15;
-D at 8 range 0..7;
-  end record;
-  for R'size use 128;
-  A : R(Entier_16);
-  I : Integer;
-  I := My_Q.X(A.V_E16);
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options -gnatdm -gnatws }
+with Discr6_Pkg;
+procedure Discr6 is
+  type T_Bit is range 0..1;
+  type T_Entier_16 is range -2**15 .. 2**15-1;
+  package My_Q is new Discr6_Pkg(T_Entier_16);
+  type T_Valeur is (BIT, Entier_16);
+  type R(D : T_Valeur) is record
+case D is
+  when BIT = V_BIT : T_Bit;
+  when Entier_16 = V_E16 : T_Entier_16;
+end case;
+  end record;
+  for R use record
+V_BIT at 0 range 0..7;
+V_E16 at 0 range 0..15;
+D at 8 range 0..7;
+  end record;
+  for R'size use 128;
+  A : R(Entier_16);
+  I : Integer;
+  I := My_Q.X(A.V_E16);
Index: gnat.dg/
--- gnat.dg/  (revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/  (revision 186265)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-package Aggr11_Pkg is
-   type Error_Type is (No_Error, Error);
-   type Rec (Kind : Error_Type := No_Error) is record
- case Kind is
-   when Error = null;
-   when others = B : Boolean;
- end case;
-   end record;
-   type Arr is array (1..6) of Rec;
-end Aggr11_Pkg;
+package Aggr11_Pkg is
+   type Error_Type is (No_Error, Error);
+   type 

Re: Ada testcase CR line endings

2012-04-10 Thread Robert Dewar

On 4/10/2012 1:35 AM, Mike Stump wrote:

So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.


is an example if one such file, any objections?

As long as the test is not about line endings this seems fine.

Re: Ada testcase CR line endings

2012-04-10 Thread Mike Stump
On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:24 AM, Robert Dewar wrote:
 On 4/10/2012 1:35 AM, Mike Stump wrote:
 So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.
 is an example if one such file, any objections?
 As long as the test is not about line endings this seems fine.

The C testsuite does indeed have such testcases, from the last time I converted 
endings in bulk for the C testsuite.  The Ada testsuite appears to not have any 
such testcase.

Ada testcase CR line endings

2012-04-09 Thread Mike Stump
So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.


is an example if one such file, any objections?