[gdal-dev] Re: Modify virtual file attributes

2010-05-26 Thread Luca Fasano
I noticed that in current trunk version SetScale and SetOffset methods are present for the API of gdal.Band in Python bindings. As reported in ticket num. 3587: [...] With [19412] SetScale and SetOffset methods are added. When SetUnitType method will be added too, this ticket could be

[gdal-dev] Zoom parameter causes crash of gdal2tiles.py

2010-03-12 Thread Luca Fasano
Hi all, I tested gdal2tiles.py of GDAL 1.6.3 on Debian unsatble. I noticed that if I use zoom parameter, the script crashes. Example: $ /usr/bin/python -u /usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py --zoom 3 /home/userxx/data/data123.N1 Traceback (most recent call last): File /usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py, line 2136, in

[gdal-dev] gdal_merge.py doesn't find input files.

2010-03-05 Thread Luca Fasano
Hi list, I'm trying to use gdal_merge.py of GDAL 1.6.3 version. I encountered some problem merging datasets represented in GDAL subdataset format (i.e. DRIVERNAME:FILENAME://SUBDATASETS). In particular I'm trying to merge two HDF5 subdatasets. In this case the script crashes returning strange

[gdal-dev] GDAL DataType class

2009-10-28 Thread Luca Fasano
Hi all, I need a way to retrieve a GDAL DataType (its code or its string name, it's the same) starting from all information on it. Does it exist a class or method to to this? For example: GdalDataType(nbits=32, float=True, Complex=True) - gdal.GDT_CFloat32 I use Python bindings for GDAL. I'd like

[gdal-dev] [gdal Python] Exceptions not reset correctly if gdal.UseExceptions() is used

2009-06-18 Thread Luca Fasano
Hi all, I suspect there is a bug in gdal.UseExceptions() in python binding. I noticed that if a RuntimeError has been generated, following gdal instructions *raise the same exception*. It seems that a gdal.ErrorReset() is necessary to reset it. An example with ipython: In [2]: from osgeo import