
I haven't gone through your code. It seemed incomplete and under
development. While I would like to help you with using the GDAL library, I
can't spare the time to go through this. I suggest posting your problem in
a linkedin group or something else. Also, as a fellow developer, I
recommend not asking others to read your uncommented code. You did not try
to explain your code's logic.

I am not completely sure what you mean my dangling lines, but I suspect you
mean lines or parts of lines intersected by other lines. If that is the
case, I suggest creating a new dataset as you process individual features.
It will help with the problem of duplicate features. If you have to split
only one of the intersecting lines, you can compare a feature only with the
subsequent or antecedent features.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 10:40 AM, SIVA RAMA KRISHNA

> Chaitanya,
> For Dangling, their are no errors but i am not sure whether the code is
> doing actual process of Dangling  i am considering as only one of the
> feature is basis for checking with the other lines when i carry this logic
> for remaining features it may result to duplicates
> so I need to know whether this approach is correct,
> could you tell me to figure out for angles between lines at nodes
> with Regards

Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.

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