[gdal-dev] Handbook of Geographic Information / Open Source Chapter / GDAL DOI

2022-08-14 Thread Peter Löwe
Dear GDAL community, this is a follow up on the minting of a persitent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the GDAL repository. DOI are an emerging standard in digital science. This DOI reference has now been used to reference the GDAL codebase in the Open Source GIS chapter of the new edition

[gdal-dev] question for scaling default

2022-08-14 Thread Michael Sumner
Hello, I have a new driver candidate, it's natively a type Byte and is a percentage (or fraction) floating point value when unscaled. I have a couple of questions. . https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/6183 I'd like to have it unscale by default, with band type Float32 - but be able to opt out