On 20/05/16 23:08, Greg Troxel wrote:
What does clutter do without champlain?
If you compile with the --enable-clutter option, on the Preferences/Image tab there is an additional check-box: "GPU Acceleration". This feature doesn't work on my system - possibly libclutter has evolved and Geeqie has not kept up.

I would love to see a way to show all images in a directory on a map at
once, and to get a subview of just the ones in a region after selecting
or clicking on a cluster marker.  Try some of those proprietary photo
apps to see what I mean :-)
I have written an additional search function that allows the user to search within a radius of a geo-point. But at the moment it's on a branch in the repository, so it will be a while before it makes it into a release. However although it's a recent addition, I wrote the code years ago. At the time I also had the intention of using a mouse-drag to delineate a circle or rectangle on the map, and select any geocoded images within the boundary. It didn't seem so terribly complex to do. Displaying Exif.GPSInfo.GPSImgDirection also seemed fairly easy.

Unfortunately from that point on I had no time to use Geeqie, let alone code anything, so everything went onto the todo list

Recent comments from you and others have renewed my enthusiasm for the map software, and I now have more time for this kind of thing. I hope a few things get completed this time around.

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