On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:59 AM, Hans Petter Jansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 20:36 +0100, Øyvind Kolås wrote:

>  http://hpjansson.org/temp/meadow-dithered.png
>  The picture has one bit per channel for a total of 8 colors, making it a
>  true retro experience. From left to right -- original, thresholding,
>  Bayer, F-S, covariant random and random dithering.

This might indeed be useful at some point, but right now I do not think the
GEGL architecture is flexible enough to warrant compilation and installation
by default. Thus I will drop this .c file into the workshop directory where
various works in progress reside. It is possible to write specialized ops
that would read the RGBA u16 and output the required file. (Using
R'G'B'A u16) would probably give slightly better results assuming the
displays and data involved are roughly sRGB data.

A plan for supporting "pallettized" images is forming somwhere on the
horizon for GEGL. It would probably involve a specialized babl format and
the ability to attache a floating point RGBA pallette to the format.
Another similar
issue for babl is that it isn't currently capable of generating pixels
for formats where
the components are not a multiple of 8, it is due to these short comings in GEGL
I've placed color-reduction in the workshop for now.

For some ramblings about indexed/palettized images take a look at:

/Øyvind K.
«The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
 -- William Gibson
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