As you read this, Hong Kong has locked one of us away
 By Joshua Wong, Johnson Ching-Yin Yeung
 August 18, 2017 at 2:37 PM


 Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, right, and Nathan Law, left, speak outside the 
high court in Hong Kong on Thursday. (Vincent Yu/Associated Press)


 Joshua Wong is the secretary general and a co-founder of Demosisto, a 
political party in Hong Kong. Johnson Ching-Yin Yeung is a human rights 
activist in Hong Kong, a fellow at the International Center on Nonviolent 
Conflict and former Hurford youth fellow at the National Endowment for 
 As you read this, one of us, Joshua Wong, has been locked away by the Hong 
Kong government. Along with two other young Umbrella Movement leaders, Nathan 
Law and Alex Chow, he has been sentenced
 to prison for leading peaceful demonstrations in 2014. This marks the height 
of the Hong Kong government’s persecution of young dissidents who bravely stood 
up against authoritarianism and is a direct hit on this generation’s ideal of a 
fair, democratic and just society.

 Last year, the three Umbrella leaders were convicted by the court for their 
roles in the protest movement and sentenced to lighter penalties, ranging from 
community service to a suspended sentence. They duly fulfilled their 
obligations. However, Hong Kong’s Department of Justice was unsatisfied and 
appealed for a review of the sentences. It took similar action against another 
group of 13 young activists, who attempted to storm the Legislative Council 
Complex to protest a controversial development scheme. These young activists 
are in their 20s and should be enjoying their freedom and fulfilling their 
potential. Instead, they are held behind bars and labeled as “criminals 
inciting violence.”
 This crackdown has a disturbing effect on the morale of the city’s youths. In 
a news conference, one of those sentenced, Law, burst into tears and said, “The 
court said there is a need to hand down a deterrent sentence against radical 
actions, but do they know what they have deterred is a whole generation of 
young people who are enthusiastic for a better future and strive for social 
 In other democracies, it is common to promote youth participation in public 
office. This is not the case in Hong Kong, despite the fact that the city’s 
chief executive, Carrie Lam, has said she prioritizes building a relationship 
with youths. When young people formed the political party Demosisto and won a 
seat in the Legislative Council, the Chinese government reinterpreted the Basic 
Law have the candidate 
disqualified. Now, the three activists have been sentenced to periods of more 
than three months in prison, barring them from running for political office for 
the next five years. Beijing and its supporters in Hong Kong are effectively 
shutting down youth participation in politics and cracking down on those who 
demand Hong Kong’s self-determination and autonomy.
 The sentences not only discourage young activists from participating in 
politics but also demoralize the entire generation and could eventually 
intensify the brain drain in Hong Kong. According to a 2016 survey
 by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 57 percent of Hong Kong residents 
between 18 and 30 say they would leave Hong Kong if they had the chance. While 
not every single one has the capacity to immigrate, a lot of them might choose 
to distance themselves from political affairs.

 We have already observed how the city’s youths have moved away from idealism 
and politics, reflected in their choice of college majors and their preference 
for jobs. Hong Kong not only is losing talent through immigration but also is 
losing a new generation of leaders in public-service sectors such as 
journalism, academia and public litigation. This poses a serious threat to the 
democratic foundation of Hong Kong.
 Rather than encourage idealistic youth leaders, the government rewards young 
opportunists who kowtow to authority. For instance, when Carrie Lam came into 
office, she rewarded young loyalists by appointing them as undersecretaries and 
political assistants in various government bureaus. These appointees, however, 
are incompetent and lack popular support. Some even ran as pro-establishment 
candidates in previous District Council elections but were defeated in a 
 Hong Kong became a global city because it is a hub of talents, but these 
talents can be nurtured only in an open, democratic and free society. When 
journalists become frustrated and stop reporting, it becomes harder to 
investigate corruption or discover fraud in the financial market. When young 
scholars have to fight to gain basic academic freedom, they have less time to 
conduct their research and solve real social problems. When incompetent 
opportunists are rewarded for their loyalty instead of their merit, it will 
only drive brilliant minds away from the administration and result in even 
poorer governance. Degradation of the rule of law and governance in Hong Kong 
will eventually affect foreign investments and the city’s economy.
 We are bonded with this city, we are not giving up and we believe in the 
people of Hong Kong. Some of us have lost our freedom temporarily, but our work 
will carry on — and we ask that the international community support us. Hong 
Kong needs resources and expertise to create alternative, independent 
institutions working on community organizing, journalism, research, human 
rights monitoring and civic and community legal education. These are the 
institutions that can absorb frustrated young talents, revitalize them and 
integrate them into the democratic movement. Young activists need to connect 
with other civil societies, share best practices and experiences, and apply new 
strategies and techniques to strengthen our civil society.

 We have faith that when the young political prisoners reclaim their freedom, 
Hong Kong society will be stronger than ever.


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