*Auditors’ findings weaken Indonesia’s defense of palm oil industry*

Vincent Lingga

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta   /   Wed, August 28, 2019   /   09:23 am

The Supreme Audit Agency’s (BPK) findings that millions of hectares of oil
palm estates in Sumatra and Kalimantan are currently managed under
problematic permits will weaken Indonesia’s bid to defend the
sustainability of the industry in the international market.

Unless this controversial revelation is clarified in a credible manner, it
will be futile for the government to send missions overseas to confront the
global campaign against palm oil.

It is therefore most imperative for the government to act firmly and
quickly to resolve this issue in view of the crucially important role of
the palm oil industry in the country’s economy.

Senior BPK auditor Rizal Djalil did not elaborate on the discovery when
talking to the media last Friday but revealed that almost all big
plantation companies in Sumatra and Kalimantan were implicated in permits
that were problematic with regard to the right to cultivation (HGU),
overlapping concessions, concessions on protected forests or peatland and
companies’ obligations to empower smallholders.

Unlike the Development Finance Comptroller (BPKP), which is an internal
auditor of the government, the BPK is a politically independent agency
whose executive board members are selected by the House of Representatives.

Hence, a BPK audit report is often seen as more credible, especially
because the findings follow an investigative, not general, audit, focusing
on the legal compliance of palm oil companies with all laws, regulations
and the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability of
palm oil management.

The BPK recommendation to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to involve the
National Police and the Attorney General’s Office to follow up on its
auditors’ findings shows the urgency and magnitude of the problems.

The issues of overall sustainability have been at the center of the
international campaign against Indonesian palm oil since the 2000s. Most
international green NGOs have alleged that the astronomical expansion of
oil palm estates in the country has caused massive deforestation.

In March, the European Union restricted the volume of biofuels made of palm
oil that may be counted toward the bloc’s renewable-energy goals. By 2020,
member states must ensure at least 10 percent of their fuel consumption
comes from renewable fuels, but palm oil-based products will not count. By
2030, the EU aims to stop all imports of palm oil.

Then, on Aug. 14, the EU escalated the antipalm oil campaign when the group
reintroduced tariffs, ranging from 8 to 18 percent, on subsidized palm oil
imports from Indonesia, following a probe which, the group said, found
subsidies given to domestic producers.

Unfortunately, Indonesia, as the world’s largest producer with an annual
output of over 40 million tons of crude palm oil, seems tempted to resort
to more traditional trading weapons: duties, tariffs and blockades.
Protectionism does no one any good.

Moreover, World Trade Organization rules allow countries to try to
influence other nations’ environmental policies through trade terms, as
long as they are not discriminatory measures for protectionist purposes.

We previously accepted the main arguments made by the Indonesia Oil Palm
Association (GAPKI) and the government itself that the allegations of
deforestation are mostly a subterfuge to protect EU producers of vegetable
oils such as soybean, rapeseed and sunflower, which have become
increasingly uncompetitive as the palm oil yield is nine times higher than
those of other vegetable oils.

The government has often seemed frustrated by the NGOs’ endless criticisms
because their arguments presented in the debates over palm oil have not
always been based on straight facts. Worse still, the governments of EU
members and the United States often act in favor of noisy environmentalists..

But the basic question remains unaddressed. How can the government and the
industry expect international fora to accept their claims with regard to
the sustainability of the industry, when the issue of transparency, which
has from the outset become a key battleground in the fight to clean up the
palm oil industry, has never been resolved?

President Jokowi has even defied the Supreme Court’s decision in 2017 that
the government should make information on palm oil concessions available to
the public. Cabinet members related to the industry argued that data on
palm oil concessions should temporarily be closed to the public as the
government was reviewing all the concessions.

Over the past decade the government has subjected the industry to tougher
rules designed to make the commodity sustainable economically, socially and
environmentally. But the progress seems to have been much slower than
expected given the complexity of the problems, especially in regard to
overlapping regulations, changes in spatial planning and the tendency among
many local leaders to use the issuance of land concessions as their “cash

The central government has since 2011 required oil palm growers to fulfill
the principles and criteria of sustainability under the Indonesia
Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) scheme as certified by accredited certifying
agencies. But as of July, only 4.1 million ha, or about 30 percent of the
estimated total plantation area of 14 million ha, had been certified.

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