An Indonesian woman walks amid haze-producing wildfires in Sumatra,
Indonesia, September 14, 2019. Photo: Twitter
*Choking and gasping in Indonesia’s noxious haze*

Uncontrolled wildfires have made the nation into an unmitigated
environmental disaster site

Indonesia’s annual haze from wildfires in Sumatra and Kalimantan is again
spreading across the wider region, the latest cloud to gather over
President Joko Widodo’s failed attempts to contain a problem that has made
the country into a carbon-emitting environmental disaster site.

To the president’s obvious annoyance and frustration, the gathering haze
threatens to be as bad as it was in 2015, when 115,000 fires burning as far
afield as easternmost Papua churned out the equivalent of more than 1.5
billion tons of carbon dioxide over a 10-month period.

Indonesia refuses to accept all the blame, claiming that satellite imagery
shows Malaysian and Singapore oil palm companies own several of the 42
agricultural concessions on the two islands where more than 1,600 hot spots
have been detected in the past three weeks.

But Indonesia’s record on forest fires dating back to the late 1990s has
been a national embarrassment, as has its failure to deal effectively with
a problem that in 2015 resulted in an estimated US$16 billion in economic
losses in Indonesia alone and 100,000 in premature health-related deaths
across Southeast Asia, according to the World Bank.

While the haze has had some impact on Jakarta, pollution has worsened
noticeably in the Indonesian capital over the past two years to a point
where it now regularly ranks among the world’s worst polluted cities and is
fast becoming a critical public issue.

Schoolchildren in Jakarta cover their mouths and noses amid
wildfire-created smog, September 12, 2019. Photo: Twitter

Throughout this week, for example, Air Quality Index (AQI) readings have
topped 160, with a fine particle matter (PM2.5) concentration as high as
81.5 micrograms per cubic meter, rated as unhealthy for sensitive groups.

A civil society group has recently heaped more pressure on Widodo by suing
him, the environmental and health ministers and three provincial governors
for breaching the rights of Jakarta’s 10 million citizens to a clean and
healthy environment.

The new haze crisis has arisen despite Indonesia reportedly implementing
stricter land management restrictions on agricultural companies, including
a nationwide moratorium on the cultivation of peatland, where fires emit
ten times more dangerous gases and are difficult to extinguish.

Less deforestation also appeared to reduce the environmental impact, with
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites noting
significant declines in hotspots in 2017 and 2018 and even through the
first six months of this year, in stark contrast to what has been happening
in Brazil’s Amazon Basin.

But if the government has become more serious about tackling the fires, it
can do little about the pending onset of El Nino, the climate pattern
related to the warming of waters in the central and eastern parts of the
equatorial Pacific Ocean which leads to an extended dry season.

Under public criticism for failing to do more to take agri-business
companies to task, law enforcement agencies have already arrested nearly
200 alleged culprits as 15,000 firefighters and 40 aerial water-bombers
battle to try and prevent the haze from drifting across Singapore and parts
of Malaysia.

Indonesia’s haze has enveloped neighboring Singapore. Photo: Twitter

Diplomatic tensions are rising nonetheless. Malaysian Environment Minister
Yeo Bee Yin has accused her Indonesian counterpart, Siti Nurbaya Bakar,
whose surname ironically means “burn” in Indonesian, of being in denial
after she claimed some of the smog came from wildfires in Malaysia.

Singapore isn’t happy either. Choking haze has blanketed the city only days
out from the Formula One grand prix, forcing racing bosses to put
contingency plans in place in case the air quality deteriorates any
further. It has already been labelled “unhealthy.”

Although there is little precipitation in the forecast for the next week,
Dutch earth scientist Guido van der Werf says it is difficult to determine
how long the current climatic conditions will persist, noting that in 2015
the rains only began in mid-October.

According to Van der Werf, the daily number of active fire detections by
satellite is the same as four years ago, although the 2015 fire season
started earlier and was more intense, producing 50% more detections by this
time of the year.

Most of the haze is caused by peat, vast underground deposits of carbon
that only ignite during an El Nino-induced drought. But Sumatra is also
affected by the Indian Ocean Dipole, where the western waters become
alternately warmer and then colder than the eastern part of the ocean.

Longer term climate predictions aren’t encouraging. A 10-year-long study
released in 2014 showed that the sea current, pushing warm waters from the
western Pacific into the Indian Ocean through Indonesia’s network of
straits, is also acting differently and could transform the climate in both
ocean basins as a result.

Indonesia is the only tropical location in the world where two oceans
interact in this manner, with the so-called Indonesia-Through-Flow (ITF)
playing a role in everything from Indian monsoons to increasingly frequent
El Ninos.

The main in-flow passage through the archipelago is the Makassar Strait
which separates Borneo from Sulawesi. Some water then enters the Indian
Ocean through the Lombok Strait, between Lombok and Bali, while the bulk
flows east into the Banda Sea and out through the Ombai Strait and Timor

According to American and Australian scientists, the ITF has become
shallower and more intense in the same way as water passes through a kinked
hose. That suggests that climate change may worsen the effects of the El
Nino and its wet sister, La Nina.

The 1990s in Indonesia were largely characterized by sustained El Nino
conditions—particularly towards the end of the decade—which then changed to
large swings between El Nino and La Nina conditions in the early part of
the 2000s.

Indonesians remember El Nina from 2010-2011 when the cooling of the Pacific
meant they didn’t have a dry season at all. So do hapless Queenslanders in
Australia, who were deluged with rain for eight straight months and
suffered the worst flooding in their history.

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire at a peat land forest in Payung
Sekaki, Riau province, Sumatra island, Indonesia, August 2, 2019. Photo:

Now comes yet another El Nino, which begins when the trade winds weaken and
the surface water being driven across the central and eastern Pacific
became progressively warmer because of its longer exposure to solar heating..

The worst of these such events occurred in 1997-98. With rainfall well
below the average for March and April, a year-long drought set in,
triggering calamitous bush fires across Kalimantan and Sumatra as farmers
sought to replace depleted food crops.

California’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography believes changes in the
IFT could shift rainfall patterns across the whole Asian region. In other
words, the seasons could be turned completely on their heads, with all that
means for agriculture, fisheries and air quality in Indonesia and many of
its Southeast Asian neighbors.

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