Cuba’s Improbable Medical Prowess in Asia

Cuba is developing a foothold in Asia with its biotechnology. COVID-19 is
likely to expand that cooperation still further.

[image: Tom Fawthrop]

By *Tom Fawthrop* <>

April 24, 2020

[image: Cuba’s Improbable Medical Prowess in Asia]

Cuban doctors arrive at the Rome airport en route to the epicenter of
COVID-19 cases in Europe.

Credit: Department of Civil Protection, Italy.ADVERTISEMENT

In stark contrast to the medical nationalism of the United States and some
other Western countries, a small Caribbean nation has emerged as a beacon
of international solidarity in the global war against the coronavirus. Cuba
has set an improbable record, sending medical teams to 19 countries in less
than two weeks.

In spite of crippling U.S. sanctions, Cuba has still succeeded in playing a
key role in the war against COVID-19. They have sent new medical teams to
19 countries including Italy, Andorra, Angola, Jamaica, Mexico, and
Venezuela — a total of about 900 doctors and nurses so far, with requests
from Argentina and Spain and others in the pipeline.

Cuban *medical teams previously saved many lives*
some of Asia’s worst natural disasters, including the 2004 tsunami in Sri
Lanka, the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan, and the 2006 earthquake in

Dr. Oscar Putol, a member of the mission treating the victims of the 2006
Indonesian earthquake, explained their operations: “Today, a volcano;
tomorrow, an earthquake; the day after, floods. Cuba is prepared to go to
any country to help.”

But very little of Cuba’s remarkable history of sending medical teams to
Asia and the world – including now, amid the COVID-19 pandemic — is *covered
by the Western mainstream media*

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Cuban doctors with Indonesian patients inside a field hospital set up after
the 2006 Java earthquake. Photo by Tom Fawthrop.

*Cuba in Asia: COVID-19 and Beyond*

The former president of Timor-Leste, Nobel laureate Jose Ramos-Horta,
previously praised Cuba for building a public health system from the ground
up after his country’s independence in 2001. In a presidential statement,
Ramos-Horta declared, “Timor-Leste has many nations as real friends, but I
must ask: what greater gift can we receive than a guaranteed health system
for our people? This is the gift from the people of Cuba.”


Cuban doctors are now working with several hundred Timorese doctors who
graduated from medical schools in Havana to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic
from overwhelming the vulnerable population. A total of 950 Timorese
doctors graduated from Cuban medical schools from 2000 to 2019.

In addition, one Cuban anti-viral treatment, interferon alfa-2b, was
extensively used by Chinese doctors in Wuhan treating the novel coronavirus..

It was easy for Chinese medical authorities to access the Cuban anti-viral
drug as since 2003 it has been developed by Changchun Heber (ChangHeber), a
Cuban-Chinese joint biotechnology venture in Jilin province.

Cuban expert Dr. Luis Herrera Martínez, who works for Cuba’s CIGB center of
biotechnology, *explained that*
alfa-2b “prevents aggravation and complications in patients, reaching the
stage that can ultimately result in death.”


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The drug was used with two anti-viral HIV drugs, lopinavir and ritonavir,
to treat COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, leading to its inclusion *in drug
trials now being coordinated by the WHO*

However, one study warned that interferon could only be safely used in
dealing with mild symptoms in the early stages of the COVID-19 virus.

Cuba first deployed interferon back in 1981 to arrest a deadly outbreak of
the dengue fever that affected 340,000 Cubans. That experience catalyzed
the development of the island’s highly innovative biotech industry,
according to Glasgow University lecturer Helen Yaffe, a Cuba specialist.

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“Cuba’s IPK [the International Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Diseases]
is respected throughout Latin America and beyond,” *says Professor Paul
professor of medical anthropology at Harvard Medical School. “With a
comparatively tiny budget — less than that, say, of a single large research
hospital at Harvard — IPK has conducted important basic science research,
helped develop novel vaccines, trained thousands of researchers from Cuba
and from around the world.”

Cuba’s biotechnology expertise has long been attractive for Asian
countries, resulting in joint venture agreements with China, Singapore, and
Thailand. In addition to the ChangHeber plant, Cuba has another joint
venture manufacturing plant, Biotech Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., in the
Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. The plant was set up
in 2000 and produces biopharmaceuticals to treat head, neck, and ear

Meanwhile, the China-Cuba Biotechnology Joint Innovation Center was *officially
Hunan province in January – just as the COVID-19 pandemic was heating up in
neighboring Hubei. According to the Cuban embassy in China, the center
“will develop 100% Cuban projects and technologies.”


[image: Cuban Embassy in China]

The new China-Cuba Biotechnology Joint Innovation Center. Image via the
Cuban Embassy in Chin*Cuban Biotechnology in ASEAN*

Before the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Thailand back in
February, Siam Bioscience Group and the Center for Molecular Immunology
(CIM) in Cuba had announced progress in jointly developing monoclonal
antibodies to treat cancer and auto-immune diseases. Their MOU was first
signed in 2017.

Siam Bioscience became the first joint venture partner with Cuba in the
Southeast Asian region for the transfer of biotechnology expertise and the
establishment of a manufacturing plant for medical products.

The CEO of Siam Bioscience, Songpon Deechongkit, *explained his plans*
produce and sell three new drugs for complicated diseases — cancer, kidney
failure and auto-immune diseases — by 2022.

Other biotechnology MOUs have been signed with Singaporean, Malaysian, and
Japanese companies. The Cuban anti-cancer drug *nimotuzumab* in particular
attracted several MOU agreements, including one with the Japanese company
Daiichi Sankyo that took the Cuban drug all the way to stage 3 of
international clinical trials, before it was dropped in 2014. It is
extremely difficult for innovative medicine from Global South countries
like Cuba to pass all the protocols to gain entry to the lucrative Western
drug market largely dominated by U.S. and EU corporations.

Where a Japanese company failed, Thailand might succeed, thanks to a very
different joint venture model that only targets Thailand and the ASEAN
pharmaceutical market.

*According to Songpon*
“the prices of medicines produced by the company will be 50 percent lower
than those of expensive imported drugs from developed countries, letting
Thai patients access higher-quality medicines at a lower price. The plant
will also help Thailand prepare its medical services and social welfare for
the upcoming aging society, and improve the quality of life of Thais.”

This agreement also establishes Siam Biotech as the leading company in
ASEAN for biotechnology and biosimilar production, also known as generic

*Medical Diplomacy Under Fire*

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Cuban medical aid has been sought by more
than 40 countries. But the island has always had its critics – most
notably, the neighboring United States.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has depicted Cuban international
medical missions as “slave doctors enriching the communist state.”


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Similarly, the U.S. State Department *tweeted*
<> that the
Cuban motive for sending doctors on international missions to help with the
COVID-19 outbreak was “to make up the money it lost when countries stopped
participating in the abusive program.”

In an interview with local press, Dr. Carlos Pérez Diaz, the Cuban team
leader in Italy, refuted that. “We are only here to collaborate based on
our solidarity,” he said. “The Italian government has assured room and
board for us, but no payment has been discussed.”

Nor is the Cuban government likely to gain financially from Cuban flights
going to the aid of impoverished Caribbean Islands including Antigua,
Barbados, and St Kitts.

Cuba’s reputation on the world stage as a major provider of medical
services to countries has been vindicated by UN recognition, including *an
award in 2017*
Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade “in recognition of its
emergency medical assistance to more than 3.5 million people in 21

But awards and international goodwill on their own will not solve Cuba’s
increasing food and fuel shortages at home. Surviving ever-tighter
sanctions and helping poor nations ravaged by COVID-19 at the same time is
a tall order, even with some support from China and Russia.

Still, the effort could reap dividends even beyond the satisfaction of
saving lives. In the post-COVID future, many more countries in Asia may
feel the need to tap Cuba’s expertise, both as a joint venture partner to
produce cheaper medicine and as a useful model in building more resilient
public health systems

*Tom Fawthrop has reported for The Economist, Guardian, and the BBC on
various aspects of the Cuban health system, including biotechnology,
preventive healthcare. He also directed the documentary “Healing Africa:
The Havana Prescription” based on Cuba’s comprehensive medical aid program
with South Africa.*


[image: Tom Fawthrop]

Tom Fawthrop, based in Southeast Asia, has been a regular contributor to
the Guardian, Economist, S

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