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Date: Sel, 15 Jan 2019 pukul 13.21
Subject: 5G remote surgery

*5G-enabled remote surgery – sorting the wheat from the chaff Scott
Bicheno *
 01 March 2017

Following our story expressing scepticism about all the hype around 5G we
spoke to some people who are actually following through on all the utopian
talk. Mischa Dohler is a Professor at King’s College London and a prominent
driver of using communications technology in the medical environment. We
first encountered him
 exactly a year ago talking about the tactile internet at an Ericsson event
in King’s. He read our story
 bemoaning the overuse of examples like remote surgery to prematurely hype
5G and invited us to the Ericsson stand at MWC 2017 to demonstrate it’s not
all hype.  READ MORE

11 jan. 2019
*China completes world’s first 5G remote surgery in test on animal*

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