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*buatku juga suatu surprise, *
*kok kawan2nya tdk tahu Kaesang anak Jokowi,*
*padahal 5 tahun yg lalu Jokowi, Iriana dan Kahiyang *
*menghadiri luusnya Kaesang dari SMA (Anglo Chinese School),*
*juga dipublikasikan oleh koran utama 'di SGP*

**Indonesia leader Jokowi's son Kaesang Pangarep graduates from SUSS,
lauded with entrepreneurship award**
PUBLISHED OCT 9, **2019**

SINGAPORE - Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) students had not
taken much notice of the "quiet" guy in their classes for almost four
years, **so it came as a surprise when it emerged that he was the son of
Indonesian President Joko Widodo**. Word soon got around after a student
spotted a news item some time back that mentioned that "the Indonesia
president's son is studying at SUSS".
So all eyes were on 24-year-old Kaesang Pangarep when his identity as Mr
Joko's youngest son was confirmed at the university's opening convocation
ceremony on Wednesday (Oct 9).
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**Jokowi the proud father 'very happy' to be at son's graduation in
PUBLISHED NOV 21, **2014**

SINGAPORE - Indonesian President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana **flew
economy class** into Singapore on Friday with a 10-men entourage to attend
his youngest child's graduation ceremony at Anglo-Chinese School
(International).  The two, accompanied by Indonesia's ambassador to
Singapore Andri Hadi, proudly watched their youngest son Kaesang Pangarep,
19, go onstage on Friday evening to receive his certificate for completing
his International Baccalaureate diploma at ACSI.

**He was among 146 receiving certificates at the ceremony attended by an
audience of some 600, including parents, school staff, embassy and security
officials.*  *

Kaesang is the youngest of Mr Joko's three children; the 53-year-old
president has an older son, Gibran Rakabuming, 27, and a daughter Kahiyang
Ayu, 23. Ms Kahiyang had flown in earlier in the afternoon to support her
brother and handed him balloons after his graduation.

"I am very proud of him and have motivated him throughout his time here,"
she said shyly.

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