res : Ayo jangan lupa dan alpa teguhkan pulau Jawa menjadi negara merdeka yang 
berdaulat penuh! Ingat mukadimah UUD45 mengatakan “Kemerdekaan adalah hak semua 
bangsa”. Tidak ada itu yang disebut bangsa atau etnik Indonesia, karena 
Indonesia sebagai kesatuan geografis dan politik diciptakan oleh kolonial 
Belanda, dan nama “Indonesia” itu  ciptaan seorang Jerman bernama Bastian. 
Mengenai nama ini ditulis juga oleh orang Belanda bernama : J.Th. Blumberger, 
bukunya : De Communisttische beweging in Nerdelandsch Indie ( Harlem , 1928). 
Dalam mana antara lain beliau menulis dalam bukunya :”De naam Indonesia, de 
eilanden van Indie voor de maleisshe archipel gegeven door een Duits etnograf 
A. Bastian en is sedert 1884 in gebruik.”


Islamic Defenders Front to Go Ahead With Anti-Ahok Protest Despite Police Ban 

Jakarta. FPI, or Islamic Defenders Front, leader Habib Rizieq Shihab said his 
organization will go ahead with its plan to take to the streets of Jakarta in 
another massive anti-Ahok protest on Dec. 2, despite no longer getting the 
support of the Indonesian Ulema Council and in defiance of an official ban from 
the police. 

After being questioned as an expert witness in Jakarta governor Basuki "Ahok" 
Tjahaja Purnama's blasphemy investigation at the police’s criminal 
investigation unit for 3.5 hours on Wednesday (23/11), Rizieq claimed the 
government has no right to ban the protest since the right to do so is 
guaranteed by Indonesia's Constitution. 

"Turning up for the Dec. 2 protest is protected by Law No. 9/1998. No one can 
ban it," Rizieq said. 

He then quoted article 18 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the law, which said that, 
"whoever obstructed or blocked a protest using violence may face a year 

"So, if the president, police chief or anyone tries to block a peaceful rally 
guaranteed by the Constitution, then they could be jailed for a year. The 212 
[Dec. 2] protest will go on, it's protected by our own law," Rizieq said. 

The firebrand leader said the focus of the "212" protest will be to call on the 
immediate arrest of the Jakarta governor since he has already been declared a 
suspect in the blasphemy investigation. 

"Everyone, including the president, should respect the Constitution. The 212 
protest is constitutional, it is not a coup," Rizieq said. 

Rizieq questions motive behind police summon 

The FPI frontman also questioned the motive behind another police summon for 
him to appear as a witness in a defamation case against the president on 
Thursday (24/11). 

"The summon letter does not mention the name of the defendant. A summon letter 
should be clear. I don't mind appearing as a witness, but who is the 
defendant?" Rizieq said. 

Rizieq said the Jakarta police should be more professional and send him a 
complete summon letter before Thursday.

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