*Garam diimport, beras dimport, bawang putih diimport, gula diimport etc,
apa lagi yang belum diimport? Jangan dikhawatirkan karena ini adalah gejala
sementara,kata seorang ahli nujum dan kawan-kawannya penujumnya, karena
seperti dikatakan oleh corong suara rezim neo-Mojopahit bahwa ekonomi NKRI
pada tahun 2030 akan meliwati Rusia dan Jerman, jadi mulai sekarang marilah
ramai-ramai bertepuk tangan sambil mengucapkan syukuralhamdullilah bahwa
pada tahun itu akan sudah tercapai surga kesejahteraan di NKRI. Tunggu saja
tanggal kenyataannya, hehehehehehehe*


Policy on import of garlic should be evaluated: Indef

Reporter: antara 32 minutes ago

illustration. garlic. (ANTARA /Yusuf Nugroho )

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Executive Director of the Institute for Development
of Economics and Finance (Indef) Enny Sri Hartati urged the government to
evaluate the policy on the importation of garlic.

"We cannot allow imports to reduce the price of garlic in the market. More
than 50 percent of the garlic is imported," Hartati noted here on Thursday.

The government must probe the cause of the high price of garlic in the

If it is purely due to the rising demand, the supply of garlic should be

"However, this is related to demand and supply," she pointed out.

In addition, domestic production is unable to meet the demand for garlic.

Hence, conducting imports has become the solution to meet the demand for
garlic in a bid to maintain the price of the commodity.

"The government should not allow imports to affect the interests of local
farmers," she remarked.

The government had earlier issued a ministerial regulation on the imports
of horticulture products, including garlic, on the list of products, under
the government`s import control mechanism.

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita remarked that the issuance of
Ministerial Regulation No. 30 of 2017 aimed to revise the previous
regulation, especially on the import of garlic.

"Ministerial Regulation No. 30 of 2017 is a revision of Ministerial
Regulation No. 71 of 2015 that included garlic in the list of commodities
under the government`s import control mechanism," he stated.

Under the regulation, the import of some horticulture products could only
be handled by companies holding an Importer Identification Number (API) and
state-owned firms specially tasked by the state enterprises minister.

Holders of the General Importer Identification Number (API-U) as well as
Producer Importer Identification Number (API-P) should submit their
electronic applications to the minister.

In addition, they should already have the Import Recommendation of
Horticulture Product (RIPH) from the Agriculture Ministry.

"Importers that hold API-U or API-P should have the RIPH," the minister

Fresh potatoes, onions, garlic, and some fresh vegetables are among the
commodities to not be imported.


Editor: Heru Purwanto


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