Fakta ttg perbedaan pendapatan/gaji dan perbedaan IQ berdasarkan ras di 
Amerika/AS seperti tsb dibawah. Ashkenazi Jews mempunyai IQ yg paling tinggi 
tetapi universitas/institusi2 terkemuka di AS "dikuasai" orang Asia karena 
jumlah ras Ashkenasi Jew relatif kecil.  Seperti bung Goeij ketahui dan pernah 
meng-posting masalah ini di milis ini bhw di Harvard University ada 
diskriminasi ttg penerimaan terhadap mahasiswa2 Asia, yg sedang dituntut secara 
hukum (karena ras2 lain tidak bisa bersaing utk bisa diterima di Harvard).  
http://aristocratsofthesoul.com/average-iq-by-race-and-ethnicity/ White 
Privilege . . . or IQ? We’re told the reason whites are more successful than 
minorities (in historically white countries, no less!) is because of “white 
privilege.” But actually, whites are not the most economically successful race 
in America. Jews and Asians—two groups that have experienced past hardships and 
discrimination—are the highest earners in America, followed by whites, 
Hispanics, and blacks.
 Race Median Income Jewish 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jews#cite_ref-110 $97,500 Asian 
 $76,260  White  
 $60,256 Pacific Islanders 
 and Native Hawaiians $60,133  Hispanic 
 $42,491 Black 
 $35,398 As you can see below, IQ rates correlate fairly well with income. 
America’s Jewish population, with the highest median income, also has the 
highest IQ, followed by Asians, then whites, Hispanics, and blacks.
 Race IQ Ashkenazi Jews 
(studies range from 104 to 115; the IQ of Sephardic Jews is estimated to be the 
same as Northern Europeans) 110 East Asians (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong 
Kong, and Singapore) 105 Europeans (Northern and Western Europe is 100; Eastern 
and Southeastern Europe is 95) 97 American Indians (North and South America) 90 
89 Southeast Asians (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, 
the Philippines, and Borneo) 87 Pacific Islanders (Natives of New Zealand, 
Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Hawaii) 85 African-Americans 85 South 
Asians (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, the Gulf states, the Near 
East, and Turkey) 84 North Africans 84 Sub-Saharan Africans 70 Australian 
Aborigines 62

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