Trump's 'war with the media' raises questions of trust
 BAUDER,Associated Press 5 hours ago  Comments
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 NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump's "running war" on the media is continuing into 
his presidency, with statements over the weekend calling into question the 
extent to which information from the White House can be trusted.
 White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Monday will hold his first daily 
press briefing at which he could face questions about a statement Saturday 
night that included demonstrably false assertions about the crowd size at 
Friday's inauguration and a promise by the new administration that "we're going 
to hold the press accountable."
 Some Trump supporters will no doubt cheer the continued antagonism toward the 
media that was central to the Republican's campaign for president. Now the 
stakes are higher.
 Press secretaries have been lied to by their bosses, or misled reporters 
through the omission of information, but veteran journalist Dan Rather said 
Sunday it was the first time he could recall false material being delivered in 
this way.
 "I hope that people will stop, pull back for what we in television call a wide 
shot and see what is happening," Rather said. "This is a deliberate propaganda 
 Longtime Republican operative Spicer, who most recently was the spokesman for 
the Republican National Committee and also worked for President George W. Bush, 
is known for fighting tenaciously for his employers. His briefing on Saturday 
followed a Trump appearance at the CIA where the president criticized the media 
for its reporting his criticisms of the intelligence community and took 
exception to stories saying the crowd for his inauguration was smaller than 
those for predecessor Barack Obama. Trump declared that journalists are "the 
most dishonest human beings on Earth," saying "I have a running war with the 
 Spicer made two unprovable statements in his briefing: that photographs of the 
audience at Trump's inaugural were intentionally framed to minimize the 
appearance of support, and that Trump drew the largest audience ever to witness 
an inauguration.
 But he also made statements that were quickly disproven: that the Washington 
Metro system recorded more riders on the day of Trump's inaugural than when 
Obama was sworn in for his second term, that Friday marked the first time that 
white floor covering was used on the Washington Mall that amplified empty 
spaces, and it was the first time spectators were required to pass through 
magnetometers to enter the Mall.
 Spicer's briefing, during which he did not take questions from reporters, was 
televised live on Fox News Channel and MSNBC. CNN did not air the session but 
showed highlights later.
 Trump's first press conference after he was elected, on Jan. 11, also took aim 
at the media. Coming hours after news reports revealed intelligence officials 
had presented Trump with unsubstantiated and salacious allegations regarding 
his relationship to Russia, Trump and his team condemned news organizations 
that disclosed details, calling out CNN and BuzzFeed as "disgraceful" and 
refusing to take questions from a CNN reporter.
 Confronted by "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd on Sunday with "falsehoods" 
stated by Spicer, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway called them "alternative 
facts." She accused Todd of laughing at her and said he symbolizes how Trump 
has been treated by the media.
 One person who has been in Spicer's position, former White House Press 
Secretary Ari Fleischer, said it seemed clear to him that Spicer was acting on 
orders from his boss. Press secretaries have to walk a fine line between 
reflecting the thinking and wishes of the president while trying to help the 
people covering him do their jobs, said Fleischer, who, like Spicer, worked for 
 Fleischer said he never knowingly delivered false information to the press 
while at the White House.
 "You can't do that," he said. "It will shorten your career."
 When Spicer faces the press on Monday, he needs to elaborate on his argument, 
"take the hard questions and demonstrate reasonableness," Fleischer said.
 The conservative web site led its site with an article 
headlined: "White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer blasts media's 
'deliberately false reporting.'" The article said that Spicer's "criticism of 
the media's fake news reporting resulted in a media meltdown on social media."
 Yet it's a crucial time for Spicer's reputation. A press secretary whose word 
can't be trusted has no value to anyone, said Terence Hunt, a longtime White 
House correspondent and editor for The Associated Press who recently retired.
 "You can't tell lies in the White House," Hunt said. "Somebody will smoke you 
out, on issues large and small. The president's integrity and credibility are 
at stake in everything you say, so be super careful."
 If the White House can't be trusted to tell the truth on a relatively trivial 
matter like crowd size, the public will wonder about the reliability of 
information on important topics like terrorism or the nuclear capabilities of 
North Korea, said Ben Mullin, a managing editor at the Poynter Institute who 
does a podcast on the relationship between Trump and the press.
 Former CBS anchor Rather, who famously tangled with the Nixon White House 
during the Watergate era, said the situation saddened him.
 "I don't think the American people as a whole, whether they supported Donald 
Trump or not, want a situation where the press secretary to the president comes 
out and knowingly tells a lie," he said.




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