Pada Minggu, 22 Januari 2017 12:13, "'' [GELORA45]" <> menulis:

Resolusi Parlemen Eropa ttg Indonesia 19 Januari 2017

Berikut ini saya forward Resolusi Parlemen Eropa 19 Januari 2017, yg isinya 
antara lain menyambut baik pembebasan dengan jaminan aktivis politik Papua, 
Hosea Yeimo, dan Ismael Alua, yang ditahan dan didakwa sebagai pemberontak 
menurut KUHP Indonesia. Selanjutnya, resolusi Parlemen Eropa mengecam segala 
tindak kekerasan dan mengingatkan ttg komitmen pemerintahan Jokowi yg bermaksud 
menyelesaikan masalah Papua dengan dialog.

Didalam resolusinya Parlemen Eropa juga mengecam berkembangnya intoleransi di 
Indonesia terhadap kaum minoritas etnis, agama dan kaum minoritas gender 
(LGBT). Parlemen Eropa juga mengungkapkan keprihatinan yang mendalam atas kasus 
penistaan agama yang didakwakan kepada Gubernur nonaktif DKI Jakarta, Basuki 
Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) dan menegaskan, bahwa hak kebebasan mengutarakan 
pendapat dan pikiran sesuai dengan hukum HAM inernasional perlu ditegakkan. [ 
"Notes with concern the blasphemy case against Ahok; stresses that freedom of 
expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion are protected under 
international human rights law " ]..




The European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2017 on Indonesia

Betreff: European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2017 on Indonesia, 
notably the case of Hosea Yeimo and Ismael Alua and the Governor of Jakarta
Datum: 2017-01-22T02:09:14+0100
Von: "Watch Indonesia!" <>
An: "Watch Indonesia!" <>

Press coverage

Responsible for the article below are author and publication. The
contribution does not necessarily mirror the views of Watch Indonesia!


European Parliament, 19.1.2017˚=P8-RC-2017-0072

European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2017 on Indonesia, notably the 
case of Hosea 
Yeimo and Ismael Alua and the Governor of Jakarta (2017/2506(RSP))

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on Indonesia, in particular that of 
February 2014 on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Framework 
on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between the European Community and 
its Member 
States, of the one part, and the Republic of Indonesia, of the other part, with 
exception of matters related to readmission(1) ,

– having regard to the EU-Indonesia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement 
(PCA), which 
entered into force on 1 May 2014,

– having regard to the statement of 23 May 2015 by Vice-President of the 
Commission / High 
Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (VP/HR) 
Mogherini on the prospect of further executions in Indonesia,

– having regard to the statement of 27 July 2016 by the European External 
Action Service 
(EEAS) spokesperson on the planned executions in Indonesia,

– having regard to the 6th European Union-Indonesia Human Rights Dialogue of 28 
June 2016,

– having regard to the Bangkok Declaration on Promoting an ASEAN-EU Global 
Partnership for 
Shared Strategic Goals of 14 October 2016,

– having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 

– having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 
Indonesia ratified in 2006,

– having regard to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or 
Treatment or Punishment of 1987,

– having regard to Rules 135(5) and 123(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous nation, the third 
democracy, the largest Muslim majority country, with millions of followers of 
beliefs, and a diverse society comprising of 255 million citizens of various 
languages and cultures;

B. whereas Indonesia is an important partner of the EU; whereas relations 
between the EU 
and Indonesia, a G20 member, are strong; whereas the EU and Indonesia share the 
values as regards human rights, governance and democracy;

C. whereas, in the first Ministerial Strategic Dialogue (8 April 2016), the 
Minister of Indonesia and the VP/HR jointly declared their decision to ‘move 
relationship to a new level of partnership’ between the EU and Indonesia;

D. whereas on 19 December 2016 Hosea Yeimo and Ismael Alua, two Papuan 
activists, were detained and charged with ‘rebellion’ under the Indonesian 
Criminal Code, 
following peaceful political activities; whereas Hosea Yeimo and Ismael Alua 
were released 
on bail on 11 January 2017; whereas legal proceedings of the case continue; 
whereas, if 
convicted, they can face up to life imprisonment;

E. whereas President Joko Widodo has promised Papuans a change, beginning with 
‘an open 
dialogue for a better Papua’, and has undertaken to stop disproportionate use 
of force and 
human rights abuses; whereas the President has visited Papua four times since 
his election 
in 2014; whereas he recently ordered the release of a large number of Papuan 
detainees as 
a gesture of appeasement;

F. whereas the Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as 
Ahok, is 
standing trial, accused by some religious groups of insulting Islam; whereas 
three rallies 
calling for Ahok to be jailed, organised by a coalition of Islamist groups 
called the 
National Movement to Guard the MUI Fatwa (GNPF-MUI), including Front Pembala 
Islam (FPI) 
members, have been staged since October 2016;

G. whereas freedom of thought, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, 
freedom of 
religion, the right not to be arbitrarily arrested or detained, and the right 
not to be 
tortured are fundamental and inalienable freedoms and rights;

H. whereas Indonesia resumed capital punishment in 2013 and has executed a 
number of convicts;

1. Appreciates the strong relationship between the EU and Indonesia, and 
repeats the 
importance of the strong and long-standing political, economic and cultural 
ties between 
the two parties;

2. Is concerned about the growing intolerance in Indonesia towards ethnic, 
religious and 
sexual minorities; strongly condemns all acts of violence, harassment and 
against minorities, as well as impunity for such acts, and condemns the 
increased abuse of 
existing regulations in order to discriminate, prosecute and imprison members 
of religious 
minorities, traditional religions, and ethnic and sexual minorities;

3. Welcomes Indonesia’s insights on countering violent extremism and its 
experience in 
this regard, based on the promotion of a tolerant society and interfaith 
dialogues; notes 
the efforts of Indonesia to sustain its democracy, respect human rights and 
recall its 
‘unity in diversity’; stresses the need to ensure the protection of all human 
particularly those of minority and vulnerable groups, ensuring 
non-discrimination in their 
exercise of the freedoms of religion or belief, opinion, expression, 
association and 
peaceful assembly;

4. Welcomes the continued European Union – Indonesia Human Rights Dialogue, 
established in 
2010; welcomes the close cooperation between the EU and Indonesia on a wide 
range of 
issues; stresses that the EU and Indonesia have agreed to pursue concrete 
projects in a wide range of areas, including access to justice and penal 
policy, the 
countering of violent extremism, the rights of migrants, business and human 
rights, and 
the rights of persons with disabilities and of persons belonging to minorities 
vulnerable groups;

5. Recalls that improving the human rights situation in Indonesia is a priority 
of the 
EU-Indonesia PCA;

6. Welcomes the good state of relations between Indonesia and its neighbours 
and its 
active engagement in favour of the UN;

7. Encourages the Government of Indonesia to take all necessary measures to 
ensure that 
the rights of peaceful activists are protected, and to ensure that an enabling 
is created for the realisation of freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful 

8. Welcomes the release on bail of Hosea Yeimo and Ismael Alua on 11 January 
2017; notes 
that the legal proceedings of the case will continue; calls on the Delegation 
of the EU to 
Indonesia to follow these legal proceedings;

9. Asks the Indonesian authorities to consider dropping the charges against 
Hosea Yeimo, 
Ismael Alua and other prisoners of conscience against whom charges have been 
brought for 
peacefully exercising their right of freedom of expression;

10. Urges the Indonesian and local authorities in Papua to implement immediate 
effective measures to ensure the safety and security of peaceful political 
exercising their rights; calls on the authorities to ensure that people in 
Papua are able 
freely to express their ideas and opinions without fear of punishment, reprisal 

11. Strongly condemns any act of violence or terror, and conveys its 
condolences to the 
families of the victims;

12. Notes with concern the blasphemy case against Ahok; stresses that freedom 
expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion are protected under 
international human rights law;

13. Calls on the authorities of Indonesia to repeal Articles 156 and 156(a) of 
country’s Criminal Code, to remove the blasphemy provisions in the current 
draft Bill of 
Revision of the Criminal Code (RUU Revisi KUHP), the Electronic Information and 
Transactions Law and the rebellion laws (in particular Articles 106 and 110 of 
the Code), 
and to bring all laws into conformity with Indonesia’s obligations under 
human rights law, specifically on freedom of expression, thought, conscience 
and religion, 
equality before the law, freedom from discrimination, and the right to 
expression and 
public assembly; notes that people may be imprisoned for ‘defamation’ for as 
long as five 

14. Stresses the need for the Indonesian Government to protect Indonesia’s 
tradition of 
religious tolerance and pluralism by investigating, arresting and prosecuting 
or groups who discriminate or commit acts of violence against religious 

15. Is concerned about the intensification of anti-LGBTI rhetoric, which has 
resulted in 
numerous threats against, and violent attacks on, LGBTI NGOs, activists and 
calls on the government and lawmakers to refrain from further restricting the 
rights of 
LGBTI people, and to ensure that their right to freedom of expression and 
assembly is 

16. Regrets the resumption of the death penalty; calls on the authorities to 
establish a 
moratorium on all executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty; 
expresses its 
concerns about the case of EU citizen Serge Atlaoui;

17. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the 
Commission, the 
Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign 
and Security Policy, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the 
and Parliament of Indonesia, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, the ASEAN 
Commission on Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Council.

(1) Texts adopted, P7_TA(2014)0141.

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