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9 HOURS AGO ’Chemical attack’in Syria draws international outrage UN 
toinvestigate potential war crimes after dozens, including children, die 
inrebel-held town of Idlib province. A suspected chemical attack on arebel-held 
town in Syria's Idlib province has drawn widespread internationalcondemnation, 
with the United Nations saying it will investigate thebombing raid as a 
possible war crime. At least 72 people, including 11children, were killed in 
Khan Sheikhoun on Tuesday, according tothe Syrian American Medical Society 
(SAMS), which runs several fieldhospitals in the area. More than 550 people 
were injured. SAMS doctors on the ground said theattack caused people to vomit 
and foam from the mouth. Others lostconsciousness and suffered muscle spasms. 
The group said the symptoms, which alsoincluded constricted pupils and slow 
heart rate, were indicative of anorgano-phosphorus compounds agent - a category 
of toxic gases which includessarin. "We were affected by the gas. Wecouldn't 
stand up," Veda Ajej, one of the survivors treated in a hospitalin the Turkish 
town of Reyhanli, near the Syria border, told the Reuters newsagency. "I felt 
dizzy and nauseous,"she said, lying in a hospital bed. "I couldn't breathe." 
Local health workers said the death tollcould rise and eventually reach 100. A 
member of the White Helmets, a rescuegroup that operates in rebel-held areas, 
told Al Jazeera that up to 300 peoplehad been injured. The Syrian National 
Coalition, anopposition group, said a gas similar to sarin was used in the 
attack, which itblamed on government planes. Syria's military rejected the 
accusation,saying in a statement that the army "denies using any toxic or 
chemicalagents in Khan Sheikhoun today, and it did not and never will use 
itanywhere". Russia, an ally of Syria's President Basharal-Assad, on Wednesday 
said Syrian aircraft had carried out a raid, but thechemicals were part of a 
"terrorist" stockpile of "toxicsubstances" that had been hit on the ground. UN 
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was"deeply disturbed" by the attack, his 
spokesman said, adding that theworld body was "currently not in a position to 
independently verify"the reports of use of chemical weapons. An emergency 
Security Council meeting wasscheduled for Wednesday. The United States, Britain 
and France proposed aSecurity Council resolution that diplomats said would be 
likely to be put to avote. The draft text, seen by Reuters, saysSyria's 
government must provide an international investigation with flightplans and 
logs for Tuesday, the names of all helicopter squadron commanders andprovide 
access to air bases where investigators believe attacks using chemicalsmay have 
been launched. If confirmed, it would be the deadliestchemical attack in Syria 
since sarin gas killed hundreds of civilians inGhouta, near the capital, 
Damascus, in August 2013. Western states said theSyrian government was 
responsible for the 2013 attack. Damascus blamed rebels. Khan Sheikhoun 
residents said theattack began in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when they 
heard planes inthe sky followed by a series of loud explosions, after which 
people very quicklybegan to show symptoms. They said they could not identify 
the planes. BothSyrian and Russian jets have bombed the area before. "My family 
and I were sleepingduring the attack," Ahmed, another survivor treated in 
Reyhanli, toldReuters. "The bombing was carried out and there was a big 
explosion. Ifelt dizzy and nauseous. I had trouble breathing - I don't remember 
therest." Charles Duelfer, a chemical weaponsexpert in Washington DC, said it 
was "unlikely" that the attack wasnot the work of the Syrian regime. "What 
changed is the nature ofthe agent," he told Al Jazeera. "There were previous 
cases where theOPCW [Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] and 
the UN haveidentified that the regime used a chemical but it's only been 
chlorine. Thisagent appears to be a military agent which is far more 
effective."  Duelfer also said it was"puzzling" why government forces appeared 
to have resorted to usingchemical weapons at a time when they are doing well 
militarily on the ground. "They [chemical weapons] are notreally serving a 
substantial military purpose. They can certainly spreadterror, and they 
certainly seem to have a political effect, although it's hardfor me to 
calculate how that would be a positive thing for Bashar al-Assad rightnow - 
unless he wants to demonstrate that he's there, no matter what anyoneelse says 
or wants to do about it." Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirimsaid Turkey 
hopes the UN will punish the attack's perpetrators in the name ofhumanity. "The 
inhumane savagery in Idlib,Syria this morning, unfortunately, shocked all of us 
deeply," he said. Britain and France also called forrenewed efforts at the 
Security Council for those behind the use of toxic gasin the war to be held 

Such attempts have been repeatedly blocked by Russia, Syria's main ally and 
aveto-wielding council member. "This is clearly a war crime,"British Ambassador 
Matthew Rycroft told reporters. "I call on the Security Councilmembers who have 
previously used their vetoes to defend the indefensible tochange their course." 
The US said Assad must be heldaccountable for chemical weapons attacks and 
demanded that Russia and Iranbring their ally to heel. "While we continue to 
monitor theterrible situation, it is clear that this is how Bashar al-Assad 
operates: withbrutal, unabashed barbarism," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 
said. White House spokesman Sean Spicer toldreporters that President Donald 
Trump was "extremely alarmed" byreports of the attack, which he called 
"reprehensible". French President Francois Hollandeaccused the Syrian 
government of a "massacre". "Once again the Syrian regime willdeny the evidence 
of its responsibility for this massacre," he said in astatement. On three 
previous occasions, UNinvestigations have found the Syrian army guilty of using 
chemical weapons. In a statement, the UN Commission ofInquiry on Syria said the 
use of chemical weapons, as well as any deliberatetargeting of medical 
facilities, "would amount to war crimes and seriousviolations of human rights 
law". "It is imperative for perpetratorsof such attacks to be identified and 
held accountable," said theindependent panel led by Brazilian expert Paulo 
Pinheiro. The European Union's top diplomat,Federica Mogherini, said: 
"Obviously there is a primary responsibilityfrom the regime because it has the 
primary responsibility of protecting itspeople." Source: Al Jazeera and news 

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