Ingat! Ini konspirasi teori!
---“According to the Bible,” the post continues, “‘the Antichrist will be a 
charismatic celebrity,’ a ‘big talker,’ and a ‘smooth talker.’ He will convince 
people that he alone has the solution to every problem. He will claim to be a 
dealmaker and a master negotiator. He will claim to know how to defend Israel 
and to create lasting peace in the Middle East, while plotting to betray and 
destroy Israel. He will be an intimidator and a militant lover of power. He 
will exalt and magnify himself and claim to be the ‘only Savior.’ He will 
deceive the masses, even the very elect. Sound like anyone you know?”
NOVEMBER 23, 2016

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Donald Trump Could Be The Anti-Christ, According To Some Christians And Con...
 Is president-elect of the United States Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? Or is 
the soon to be most powerful politic...  |   |



Is president-elect of the United States Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? Or is the 
soon to be most powerful political figure on the planet just one of many 
anti-Christs? Or is it simply his actions, mannerisms, and verbiage antichrist, 
providing the perception of being anti-Christian? The debate is going on online 
as Christians and conspiracy theorists and skeptics argue their points of 
whether or not the forthcoming U.S. president is just a real estate billionaire 
or something far, far worse.Media outlets like Metro are reporting on a 
website, The HyperTexts, that has gone into great detail to present 
President-elect Donald Trump as — if not the Anti-Christ — one of the 
prophesied antichrists foretold about in the Christian bible. And is always the 
case among Christian conspiracy theorists (and debunkers), there are numerous 
connections to the number 666, the so-called “number of the beast” to present 
as evidence.The HyperTexts post begins with questioning rhetorically if Donald 
Trump is the Anti-Christ and the “long-prophesied Beast of 
Revelation?”“According to the Bible,” the post continues, “‘the Antichrist will 
be a charismatic celebrity,’ a ‘big talker,’ and a ‘smooth talker.’ He will 
convince people that he alone has the solution to every problem. He will claim 
to be a dealmaker and a master negotiator. He will claim to know how to defend 
Israel and to create lasting peace in the Middle East, while plotting to betray 
and destroy Israel. He will be an intimidator and a militant lover of power. He 
will exalt and magnify himself and claim to be the ‘only Savior.’ He will 
deceive the masses, even the very elect. Sound like anyone you know?”The post 
goes on to point out that Trump has numerous associations with the “number of 
the beast,” which is 666. And even if the billionaire-turned-president is 
actually the Anti-Christ, the post notes that he could very well be one of the 
many antichrists that will plague humanity during the End Times.The post 
indicates that the Anti-Christ would be a great deceiver and asks if 
evangelical Christians were deceived by Trump, pointing out that, according to 
presidential election exit polls, per Christianity Today, four out of five 
evangelicals had voted for the real estate mogul and former reality show 
star.Writing for Charisma News, which is a Pentecostal/evangelical Christian 
website, author and revivalist Bert M. Farias wrote that he was taken aback 
that “professing Christians” were “angry with other Christians who voted for 
Trump and using contentious language to cause strife and division in the body 
of Christ.” He made a case that he believes shows the Democratic National 
Committee and Hillary Clinton are antichrist in their policies and, yet, 
Christians voted for them. He insisted, though, that he was not saying they are 
the Anti-Christ “but they are of that spirit.”He defended Trump as being 
opposite to that of Clinton, that criticism of Trump is misplaced.“He is a very 
flawed man,” Farias wrote, “but he ran on diametrically different policies than 
Hillary did. Most of his policies were aligned with Scripture. Yes, I know he 
is a carnal man, and we can only hope that he follows through on his promises, 
but let’s believe that some of the conservative Christians he’s surrounded 
himself with will help him in his decision-making. That is another huge 
difference between him and Hillary. I do not witness a spirit of antichrist on 
Donald Trump.”But there are other Christians that do find Trump antichrist in 
his actions and policies, even if he might not be the actual “false prophet” 
from the biblical Book of Revelation.Writing for the conservative blog Red 
State, clconnett, a contributor with a Masters in Divinity from the Southern 
Baptist Theological Seminary, had no problem placing the label “Antichrist” on 
Donald Trump. Noting that Trump might not be “the” Anti-Christ, “in the 
Christian tradition there isn’t even an agreement that there is necessarily one 
antichrist who is the anti-type of the antichrists.” This would be the 
deceptive leader of prophecy that espouses harmony and peace.“However, looking 
at Scripture, Donald Trump fits the description of an antichrist, all the way 
down to the fact that Christians are supporting him.”Donald Trump campaigning 
at Christian Liberty University in January, 2016. [Image by Chip 
Somodevilla/Getty Images]But that is not all. Referring to several biblical 
scriptures, clconnett indicated that Donald Trump saying that he is a Christian 
does not mean that he does not fit the description of being antichrist. He 
noted that when Trump made the comment that he does not ask God for 
forgiveness, which he did during the presidential campaign, he “completely 
undermines the concept of Jesus as Christ,” that he does not need Jesus, the 
Christian messiah, “saying that he [Trump], in doing his own good works, can 
merit a relationship with God.” This, of course, flies in the face of Christian 
dogma that sees the only way to heaven and eternal life is through Jesus as a 
mediator.“He isn’t antichrist because he is intentionally waging war against 
the saints, but because he doesn’t regard God as important at all,” clconnett 
wrote.“Ultimately,” he concluded, “Trump is not dangerous because he is 
immoral, but because he is amoral. Trump has already bought into the system 
entirely. He is as vacuous a candidate as there can be, giving no thought to 
the moral questions and the theological issues that underpin those questions. 
He doesn’t care about who he hurts or what philosophy he takes, as long as it 
gains him power. He is an antichrist not because he is explicitly evil, 
shouting and screaming against God, but because he disregards God and morality 
all together. It’s easy to fight against someone who says, ‘Reject Christ or 
die’ but it is far more difficult when the person never brings up God at all 
and only makes promises of prosperity and happiness.”Donald Trump is just the 
latest elected president to be saddled with the label of Anti-Christ, his name 
associated with the so-called “number of the beast” — 666. [Image by Karin 
Hildebrand Lau/Shutterstock]It should be noted that placing the label of 
“Anti-Christ” on a president is nothing new. Barack Obama was saddled with it 
throughout his presidency. So was his predecessor, George W. Bush. And his 
predecessors, Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush. Ronald Wilson Reagan, who 
preceded George H. W. Bush, made it ridiculously easy for the 666 attachment, 
given that all three of his given names had six letters. The list goes on and 
is not, nor has it ever been, exclusive to American leaders.So, is The 
HyperTexts on to something by calling out a possible connection between Donald 
Trump and the Anti-Christ? Or is it just a post designed as click-bait for 
those who indulge in conspiracy theories or End Times drama? Regardless, the 
question will still remain for Christians to answer: Even if the 
president-elect is not the biblical beast, are his words and actions 
antichrist-like? And if so, how does one reconcile those words and actions with 
supporting Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States?[Featured 
Image by George Frey/Getty Images]

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