Liga Internasional Perjuangan Rakyat mendukung kaum Muslim dan Imigran!Perang 
agresi pimpinan imperialisme AS, destabilisasi dan kebijakan ekonomi neoliberal 
di bawah pemerintahan Partai Demokrat dan juga Republik adalah akar dari krisis 
pengungsi global dan imigrasi yang dipaksakan kepada kaum penganggur dunia di 
negeri-negeri yang dirampok. Pada saat yang sama, agen-agen krisis global 
kapitalisme global pimpinan imperialisme AS mengkriminalisasi dan mengorbankan 
puluhan ribu orang yang tersingkir dari negeri-negeri miskin dan yang 
dihancurkan oleh perang....Kita tidak akan diam.
- ILPS US·MAANDAG 30 JANUARI 2017No Deportations! No Wall! Ban Trump & Fascism!
The US Chapter of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS-US) calls 
on its member organizations to join and fully participate in the mass actions 
across the US in major international airports where immigrants and Muslims are 
being detained and all other mass actions protesting President Trump’s abuse of 
executive powers against the people.US imperialist-led wars of aggression, 
destabilization, and neoliberal economic policies under both Democratic and 
Republican administrations are the root of the global refugee crisis and the 
forced migration of the world’s unemployed from plundered countries. Yet at the 
same time, the purveyors of the global crisis of monopoly capitalism, led by US 
imperialism, turn to scapegoatism and criminalization of those most victimized 
by the crisis -- the tens of millions of displaced peoples from war-torn and/or 
impoverished countries -- further aggravating the social and economic 
crisis.The countries identified in Trump’s travel ban are all countries that 
the US has bombed, militarized, wrecked, or launched other forms of imperialist 
aggression in order to control of the region’s vast oil deposits, natural 
resources and maintain its global hegemony.The Trump regime is backed by large 
monopoly oil profiteers who gained immensely from the last Bush regime's 
invasion of Iraq. It may well be using islamophobia to provoke a crisis that 
could "justify" yet another oil war, possibly targeting Iran. The recent 
Trump-ordered Navy SEAL raid against Al-Qaida in Yemen, resulting in dozens of 
casualties of both combatants and civilians, as well as the move of the US 
embassy in Tel Aviv to Israeli-occupied Palestine can be seen in this context. 
The wall that Trump is projecting to build on the US-Mexican border has its 
origins back with the US Congress as early as 2006, with The Secure Fence Act 
that received bi-partisan support, including from then-Democratic Senators 
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The post-9/11 war on immigrants under the 
Bush administration was continued under the Obama Administration with the 
unprecedented deportation of over 2 millions immigrants from the US-- more than 
any other administration in history. Present Trump is threatening to continue 
and intensify this repression against undocumented workers, as well as 
threatening cities across the US who offer sanctuary to undocumented workers 
and refugees.More than ever, it is only through solidarity and unity of the 
entire US working class-- across racial, religious, and ethnic lines-- that we 
can stop these attacks. The strength of the protests and volume of the people’s 
outcry, as well as the positive stand of local governmental leaders around the 
country, have forced the federal judiciary to temporarily block the 
deportations. But even in the face of this victory of the people, the Trump 
administration exposes its arrogance by declaring the travel ban will stay in 
place. But Trump’s tyranny will not faze our resistance. It will in fact, do 
the opposite. As our solidarity for our Muslim and immigrant sisters and 
brothers is unconditional, our resistance only grows stronger with every 
repressive tactic, every attempt to stop us. We will not be subdued.The 
International League of Peoples Struggle, or ILPS, is an anti-imperialist and 
democratic formation promoting, supporting, and developing the anti-imperialist 
and democratic struggles of the peoples of the world, including workers, women, 
youth, professionals, and other sectors of society against the ideological, 
political, military, social, and cultural domination and attacks of imperialism 
and reaction. With members spanning 6 continents in over 40 countries, the ILPS 
is the largest global formation of its kind. For more information, visit

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