Inilah logika rakyat: tak perduli berapa kuatnya kaum penyerang dan penjajah, 
tak perduli persenjataannya dan teknologinya, rakyatlah, meskipun dengan 
persenjataan dan teknologi lebih rendah, yang akhirnya menang!! Kalaupun gagal, 
akan berdiri lagi dan meneruskan perjuangan. Bukan senjata yang menentukan 
menang kalahnya, tapi orang di belakang senjata itu...Kalau ngikutin logika 
kaum remo yang belum apa-apa sudah gemetar ketakutan dan tekuk lutut di depan 
musuh kelas, di dunia ini tidak akan pernah ada perjuangan rakyat yang menang...
YPG Commander: Afrin will be Vietnam for the Turkish state
YPG commander Manî Egîd believes that Afrin will become a second Vietnam for 
the Turkish state.Within three hours, the Turkish state wanted to conquer Afrin 
with the help of recruited Islamists. Meanwhile, 23 days have passed and the 
second largest NATO army still hangs in the border area. YPG commander Manî 
Egid told ANF about the situation in Afrin:"Afrin is being attacked from all 
sides, but the Turkish military has not made any real progress after more than 
three weeks. At the beginning it was said that Turkey would take Afrin within 
three hours. The three hours turned into three days and then a week. Today, 
however, is the 23rd day of resistance. Resistance is being mounted throughout 
Afrin. The comrades are in defensive positions. The second largest NATO army 
and its militia recruited by ISIS and el-Qaeda have not progressed.   
   -  Monday, 12 Feb 2018, 00:00
TECHNOLOGY AGAINST WILLPOWER"The Turkish army and allied gangs are still in the 
border area. In some places they have penetrated three kilometers, at one point 
five kilometers. They succeeded only because of their technical capacity. To 
take a place, they use fighter jets, reconnaissance drones, grenade launchers 
and tanks. They trust in technology, we trust in our willpower."AFRIN MEANS 
DOWNFALL OF THE AKP"Erdoğan embodies all fascist elements and wants to occupy 
Afrin. We consider this war a final. It will be over with the AKP if it fails 
in Afrin. It attacks the Kurds everywhere, but Afrin will mean their downfall. 
We will make Afrin a second Vietnam for the second largest NATO army."INVASION 
occupy Afrin in the eyes of the world public. Here a people lives in its own 
land and another country arrives and wants to invade it. It is an invasion 
against which everyone should do something. We call on young people from all 
four parts of Kurdistan to join the resistance in Afrin. We will break the 
attacks of the Turkish army in Afrin.."DEMOGRAPHY OF KURDISTAN IS INTENDED TO 
BE CHANGED"The Turkish state says it wants to accommodate refugees from Syria 
in Afrin. So far, the Syrian refugees have always been used as a lever against 
Europe. Now they serve as justification for the occupation of Afrin. Erdoğan 
wants to massacre and drive out the population of Afrin, so that the militia of 
the ISIS and the Al-Qaeda, who are in bondage with him, can settle in Afrin 
with their families. He is not concerned with refugees. He wants to kill two 
birds with one stone. The demographics of Kurdistan is intended to be changed 
and the Kurdish achievements are intended to be obstructed. We will not allow 
that and we are prepared for it."PREPARED FOR OVER A YEAR OF RESISTANCE"In the 
villages and districts of Afrin, we have made preparations that are sufficient 
for a period of over one year. In the city center, we are prepared for a much 
longer period of resistance. Should they come, they should advance a bit 
further, we will be waiting for them. They've been hanging around the border 
for over three weeks. As I said, we are prepared, logistically as well as 
militarily. "
Long Live International Solidarity!!! Free Ahed Tamimi and All Political 
Palestinian Prisoners!!

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