Diocese of Purwokerto 

  a.. Indonesia 
  b.. Purwokerto 

Purwokerto diocese covers an area of 13,870 square kilometers and includes 12 
districts and two municipalities of Muslim-majority Central Java province.

Originally it was a mission territory called Christ The King Mission Territory 
served by the Jesuits. In 1927, the mission territory was entrusted to priests 
of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Sacred Heart.

On April 25, 1932, the territory was elevated to the status of Apostolic 
Prefecture with Monsignor Bernardo Visser, MSC, as the first apostolic prefect 

On Oct. 16, 1941, Purwokerto became an Apostolic Vicariate, and Monsignor 
Visser was the apostolic vicar until 1949. 

He was replaced by Monsignor Guillaume Schoemaker, MSC, who was installed as 
apostolic vicar on Dec. 16, 1949. 

On Jan. 3, 1961, with the establisment of the Church hierarchy in Indonesia, 
Purwokerto became a diocese and Monsignor Schoemaker became its first bishop. 
He was replaced by Missionaries of Sacred Heart Father Paschalis Soedita 
Hardjasoemarta, a Javanese, who was ordained bishop in January 1974. 

During Bishop Hardjasoemarta's episcopate, Purwokerto diocese held for the 
first time a diocesan synod. The 1990 synod formulated the pastoral vision and 
mission of the diocese.

Bishop Hardjasoemarta died in 1999. He was replaced by Jesuit Father Julianus 
Kema Sunarka, who was appointed by the Holy See as Bishop of Purwokerto on May 
10, 2000 and episcopally ordained on Sept. 8, 2000. 

The website of Purwokerto Diocese is available at

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