Wah, kalau dijanjikan dapat 72 bidadari, ya dia lakukan apa saja ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: 6 August 2017 at 13:13

*Subject:* *Fwd: Fw: FW: The antelope*

---------- Forwarded message ----------

*Subject:* *Fwd: The antelope*

 *A couple on an African Safari witnessed a small antelope being chased
down by a cheetah.*

*While the kill was about to happen before their eyes, the husband casually
remarked, “I’ll bet the antelope gets away.”*

*The wife answered, “If that antelope survives this one, I’ll give you sex
every day for the rest of your life.”*

*The deadly chase was recorded.*

*18 second video.*

*Click* *here* <https://www.youtube.com/embed/DYDIwOnXNc8?rel=0>*.....*


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