Seandainya pemilu diadakan saat-saat ini Nate Silver memprediksi Hillary 
mempunyai kesempatan menang 87% dengan memenangkan 343 electoral votes 
dibanding Donald Trump yg cuman peluangnya cuman 13% dengan 194 electoral 
2 hari yang lalu Nate juga mengungkapkan jika hanya laki2 yg vote Trump akan 
menang 350-188, sedang bila hanya wanita yang vote Hillary menang 458-80. Jadi 
kesimpulannya Donald Trump dikalahkan wanita.
Sekarang ini dikalangan pendukung Donald Trump ada gerakan untuk merepeal 19th 
amendment dengan kata lain mencabut hak wanita memilih. Melihat kenyataan 
sebagian besar kelompok minoritas mendukung Hillary, apakah kemudian gerakan 
mencabut hak kelompok minoritas memilih akan menyusul? Bagaimana pendapat anda?

Trump Supporters Rally for Women to Lose the Right to Vote With #RepealThe19th
Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy 1 hour 19 minutes ago    
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#repealthe19th is trending. (Photo: Getty Images)On Tuesday, Oct. 11, election 
data guru Nate Silver pointed out his site FiveThirtyEight how Democratic 
presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is up 10 
points among women in the general electorate — and how given this lead, and the 
lead Clinton is already showing in polls in many swing states, if only women 
were to vote on Nov. 8, Clinton would win the presidency in a veritable 
landslide.Conversely, Silver makes clear, if only men were to vote in the 
presidential election next month, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump 
would be the runaway winner.
In no time at all, a slew of angry men took to Twitter calling to 
#RepealThe19th — as in the 19th amendment. As in the amendment that gave white 
women in the United States the right to vote and was ratified on Aug. 18, 1920.

And seemingly just as quickly, women — and other human beings who believe that 
the right to vote shouldn’t be contingent on being a white man — responded in 

One 33-year old New York woman referred me to the following tweet when I asked 
her how it felt to see men calling for the repeal of the 19th amendment just as 
America is on the brink of potentially electing its first female president, 
saying it “sums up anything I would say”:
“Awful. It feels plain awful,” Rachel, a 31-year old woman in Atlanta, told 
Yahoo Beauty when asked how she reacted seeing the outpouring on Twitter by men 
calling for women to lose their voting rights.“I’m offended but not surprised,” 
Claire, a 37-year old woman in Minneapolis, tells Yahoo Beauty. “Since I doubt 
that anyone would actually repeal the 19th amendment before Nov. 8, I can’t 
take them seriously in this regard. If they think the only way they can win is 
to strip an entire gender of their basic civil rights, then they’re running 
scared — which actually amuses me.”She continues: “That being said, I think 
that the tone and the messaging in the campaign are having a terrible impact on 
decades of work toward gender equality. Sure, some people are sexist and 
idiotic and will remain that way no matter what — and I can’t change that. But 
what does this rhetoric on a national level say to young Americans who are 
still forming their worldviews and values? This attitude toward women is 
absolutely unacceptable, yet Trump and his supporters not only condone it but 
celebrate it … It also goes without saying: Why are women still willing to vote 
for this monster?!”A 34-year old woman in Washington, D.C., tells Yahoo Beauty 
that she would like to say to men calling to strip women of their right to 
vote, “Sorry it’s so painful for you to watch paternalism die such a slow death 
by seeing misogyny personified melt down like a toddler and lose while the 
world watches.”And when asked for her take, Summer, a 32-year old woman in New 
York City told Yahoo Beauty, “Wow, am I grateful I’m not on Twitter right 
now.”She adds that learning of this, however, speaks to a larger societal 
pattern that she finds systemic and problematic: “Women’s behavior is still 
manipulated in thousands of ways, especially to the extent that it can be 
monetized. I think that’s how the male establishment has made peace with 
women’s liberation generally. I absolutely hate watching “you go girl” messages 
embedded in movies and advertising and political campaigns, feeling myself as 
the target demographic and knowing, somehow, by the tone-deaf content of the 
story or the way the delivery rings false, that a man composed these messages 
without an ounce of authenticity. They’ve tried the more tactical means of 
pulling the wool over our eyes and winning us over, because of course that’s 
all it would have ever been: a tactic. So now forcing compliance by denying our 
rights isn’t at all off the table.”Another 32-year old New York woman tells 
Yahoo Beauty that, in her opinion, “It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that 
this has emerged as an issue. We’ve already seen hints of it in the campaign 
with the support of Peter Thiel for Trump. Thiel notably hinted that he 
believed a capitalist democracy is an oxymoron, as the enfranchisement of women 
led to a supposedly uniform voting bloc against conservative capitalist values. 
… I’m a libertarian and a conservative and generally vote as such — though I 
will be voting for Hillary Clinton this election. The idea that the woman’s 
vote is uniform is actually quite funny, as American women are a wonderfully 
diverse lot.”She concludes: “Sadly, the one thing we all have in common is 
daily exposure to casual sexism and, for many of us, exposure to the harms of 
sexual assault. It is a remarkable achievement to unify so many of us, and I’m 
sad that it is for something as vile as opposing someone as disgustingly and 
openly sexist as Donald Trump. But I do feel that the GOP has largely abandoned 
its voter base of women who are conservative, business-minded “Don’t Tread on 
Me”-types by doing just about everything to indicate they would very much like 
to read (or grope) us. And why should we bother supporting the GOP when they’ve 
demonstrated a long track record of pursuing policies that are actively 
anti-woman while they do little to nothing to further traditional American 
freedoms?”Echoes Jaime, a 28-year old woman in Atlanta, “I’ve got to say, Trump 
really has a way of bringing people together. Not only has he turned most of 
his own party against himself, he’s united the most ignorant people who would 
possibly exist to form his clan of followers — and so it really doesn’t shock 
me in the least that these people want to #RepealThe19th. His disgusting 
lifestyle and the evidence that has surfaced has brought American women even 
closer together.”And, she says, she hopes that perhaps the dialogue sparked by 
the response to #RepealThe19th can do some good: “This is a wonderful time to 
enlighten our sisters, daughters, friends, and others about what a real leader 
represents — our future, but especially the past so that we don’t repeat it. 
That is why Trump will never be president and why so many women have come 
together to push for over a hundred years to keep someone like Trump out of 
office. What an exciting time to be on the brink of our first woman president, 
and I couldn’t be happier that Hillary Clinton will hold this title first. 
#RepealThe19th will never happen — and you better be damned sure that every 
woman will show up on Nov. 8 to vote, because even if she’s voting for Trump, 
she has a voice and she deserves to be heard.”

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