Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-13 Terurut Topik Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]

Dimana permisifnya?
Penyalahgunaan kekuasaan itu acapkali sumir, degree penyalahgunaan akan sangat 
besar sekali bila per-undang2an menunjang untuk itu. Dalam kaitan dgn Indonesia 
banyak hal yg bisa berakibat penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, kalau anda menginginkan 
mengurangi jelas sekali berbagai pasal karet seperti penodaan agama, 
penghinaan, kebencian, dll. itu yang penilaiannya dan penerapannya sangat 
subjektif sekali harus direvisi.

---In,  wrote :

Kelihatannya Anda permisif sekali terhadap kesewenangan &penyalahgunaan 
Ya sudah, mau bilang apa kalau sudah apatis.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:
Dari sejak jaman dulu polisi dan tni dipakai sebagai alat penguasa dengan 
anggapan penguasa itulah negara, sampai kapanpun hal seperti ini tidak akan 
hilang. Apalagi sekarang banyak sekali pasal2 karet yg bisa dgn mudah 
diinterpretasikan seenak udel dan hanya dgn sedikit omongan ataupun postingan 
juga bisa menyeret orang kepenjara atau setidaknya diseret kepengadilan.
Apakah anda membicarakan/mengeritik pemberangusan MCA?
--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Jadi, apa peran polisi, sebagai alat negara ataudiperalat penguasa?
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

ada benarnya juga, yg satu memakai kekuasaan yg ada ditangan utk memberangus, 
yg satunya lagi memakai isue hoax primordial agama.

--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedangmemerangi hoax tapi sekedar 
memberangus lawan-lawanpolitiknya.
Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengainhoax mobil esemka.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake Twitter 
accounts and violent propaganda

Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-13 Terurut Topik ajeg [GELORA45]
Kelihatannya Anda permisif sekali terhadap kesewenangan & penyalahgunaan 
Ya sudah, mau bilang apa kalau sudah apatis.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:
Dari sejak jaman dulu polisi dan tni dipakai sebagai alat penguasa dengan 
anggapan penguasa itulah negara, sampai kapanpun hal seperti ini tidak akan 
hilang. Apalagi sekarang banyak sekali pasal2 karet yg bisa dgn mudah 
diinterpretasikan seenak udel dan hanya dgn sedikit omongan ataupun postingan 
juga bisa menyeret orang kepenjara atau setidaknya diseret kepengadilan.
Apakah anda membicarakan/mengeritik pemberangusan MCA?
--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Jadi, apa peran polisi, sebagai alat negara ataudiperalat penguasa?
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

ada benarnya juga, yg satu memakai kekuasaan yg ada ditangan utk memberangus, 
yg satunya lagi memakai isue hoax primordial agama.

--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedangmemerangi hoax tapi sekedar 
memberangus lawan-lawanpolitiknya.
Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengainhoax mobil esemka.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake Twitter 
accounts and violent propaganda

Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-13 Terurut Topik Jonathan Goeij [GELORA45]
Dari sejak jaman dulu polisi dan tni dipakai sebagai alat penguasa dengan 
anggapan penguasa itulah negara, sampai kapanpun hal seperti ini tidak akan 
hilang. Apalagi sekarang banyak sekali pasal2 karet yg bisa dgn mudah 
diinterpretasikan seenak udel dan hanya dgn sedikit omongan ataupun postingan 
juga bisa menyeret orang kepenjara atau setidaknya diseret kepengadilan.
Apakah anda membicarakan/mengeritik pemberangusan MCA?

---In,  wrote :

Jadi, apa peran polisi, sebagai alat negara ataudiperalat penguasa?
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:
ada benarnya juga, yg satu memakai kekuasaan yg ada ditangan utk memberangus, 
yg satunya lagi memakai isue hoax primordial agama.

--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedangmemerangi hoax tapi sekedar 
memberangus lawan-lawanpolitiknya.
Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengainhoax mobil esemka.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake Twitter 
accounts and violent propaganda

 A screengrab from the Muslim Cyber Army acebook page. Photograph: Facebook

Police in Indonesia believe they have uncovered a clandestine fake news 
operation designed to corrupt the political process and destabilise the 

In a string of arrests across the archipelago in recent weeks, authorities have 
revealed the inner workings of a self-proclaimed cyber-jihadist network known 
as the Muslim Cyber Army (MCA).

The network is accused of spreading fake news and hate speech to inflame 
religious and ethnic schisms; fan paranoia around gay men and lesbians, alleged 
communists and Chinese people; and spread defamatory content to undermine the 

Police say the network was orchestrated through a central Whatsapp group called 
the Family MCA.

One wing was tasked with stockpiling divisive content to disseminate, while a 
separate “sniper” team was employed to hack accounts and spread computer 
viruses on the electronic devices of their opponents.

The arrest of 14 individuals is the second such syndicate police have busted in 
the last year – deepening fears around Indonesia’s vulnerability to the 
pernicious spread of fake news.

False accounts and lies

In the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, among the top five biggest users 
of Facebook and Twitter globally, some say it is unsurprising that rising 
religiosity and racial division is playing out viciously online..

It is in this environment that the Muslim Cyber Army was born and has since 
thrived, in a digital ecosystem flush with bots, fake accounts and lies.

A Guardian investigation conducted over several months uncovered one 
coordinated cluster of the Muslim Cyber Army on Twitter.

 Identical tweets from bots. Photograph: Twitter

The investigation identified:
   - A matryoshka doll-like system of more than 100 bots or semi-automated 

   - Links between the cyber army and opposition parties, as well as the 
   - Details of 103 cases of brutal “bounty hunting” incited by the 

The network identified by the Guardian was created for the sole purpose of 
tweeting inflammatory content and messages designed to amplify social and 
religious division, and push a hardline Islamist and anti-government line.

Tell-tale signs of a bot

The messaging was cleverly designed to appeal to broad Islamic sympathies.

Posts about the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar and Palestine, for example, 
were mixed in with domestically inspired vitriol, hatred for the Chinese 
minority, or support for hardline Indonesian figures and their protests.

The network, which functioned between July and November 2017, had all the 
tell-tale signs of a bot, or network of semi-automated accounts.

Posts were often identical in nature, with the same text, meme or hashtag 
repeated dozens of times. The accounts would sometimes tweet up to 30 times a 
day. All accounts were opaque, with no name or location, and followed 
identifiable patterns.

One group of 30 accounts, for example, featured striking profile photos of 
bearded, Viking-esque men, with the names of different Indonesian military 
bases or agencies, or government posts. Another set featured accounts with 
pictures of pigs.

The discovery illuminates how different interest groups operated within the MCA 
network for nefarious political ends. It also highlights how easy it is to game 
social media networks, especially Twitter.

With an army of bots, semi-automated and fake accounts, it is relatively simple 
to sway public perception, propel a hashtag into a trending list, or engineer 
an online poll.

 Facebook image from the Muslim Cyber Army. Photograph: Facebook

In the lead-up to what is expected to be a heated 2019 presidential election – 
a likely replay of the bitter 2014 contest

Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-13 Terurut Topik ajeg [GELORA45]
 Jadi, apa peran polisi, sebagai alat negara ataudiperalat penguasa?
 --- jonathangoeij@... wrote: 
ada benarnya juga, yg satu memakai kekuasaan yg ada ditangan utk memberangus, 
yg satunya lagi memakai isue hoax primordial agama.

--- ajegilelu@... wrote :

Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedang memerangi hoax tapi sekedar 
memberangus lawan-lawan politiknya. 
Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengain hoax mobil esemka.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake Twitter 
accounts and violent propaganda

  A screengrab from the Muslim Cyber Army acebook page. Photograph: Facebook

Police in Indonesia believe they have uncovered a clandestine fake news 
operation designed to corrupt the political process and destabilise the 

In a string of arrests across the archipelago in recent weeks, authorities have 
revealed the inner workings of a self-proclaimed cyber-jihadist network known 
as the Muslim Cyber Army (MCA).

The network is accused of spreading fake news and hate speech to inflame 
religious and ethnic schisms; fan paranoia around gay men and lesbians, alleged 
communists and Chinese people; and spread defamatory content to undermine the 

Police say the network was orchestrated through a central Whatsapp group called 
the Family MCA.

One wing was tasked with stockpiling divisive content to disseminate, while a 
separate “sniper” team was employed to hack accounts and spread computer 
viruses on the electronic devices of their opponents.

The arrest of 14 individuals is the second such syndicate police have busted in 
the last year – deepening fears around Indonesia’s vulnerability to the 
pernicious spread of fake news.

False accounts and lies

In the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, among the top five biggest users 
of Facebook and Twitter globally, some say it is unsurprising that rising 
religiosity and racial division is playing out viciously online..

It is in this environment that the Muslim Cyber Army was born and has since 
thrived, in a digital ecosystem flush with bots, fake accounts and lies.

A Guardian investigation conducted over several months uncovered one 
coordinated cluster of the Muslim Cyber Army on Twitter.

  Identical tweets from bots. Photograph: Twitter

The investigation identified:
   - A matryoshka doll-like system of more than 100 bots or semi-automated 

   - Links between the cyber army and opposition parties, as well as the 
   - Details of 103 cases of brutal “bounty hunting” incited by the 

The network identified by the Guardian was created for the sole purpose of 
tweeting inflammatory content and messages designed to amplify social and 
religious division, and push a hardline Islamist and anti-government line.

Tell-tale signs of a bot

The messaging was cleverly designed to appeal to broad Islamic sympathies.

Posts about the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar and Palestine, for example, 
were mixed in with domestically inspired vitriol, hatred for the Chinese 
minority, or support for hardline Indonesian figures and their protests.

The network, which functioned between July and November 2017, had all the 
tell-tale signs of a bot, or network of semi-automated accounts.

Posts were often identical in nature, with the same text, meme or hashtag 
repeated dozens of times. The accounts would sometimes tweet up to 30 times a 
day. All accounts were opaque, with no name or location, and followed 
identifiable patterns.

One group of 30 accounts, for example, featured striking profile photos of 
bearded, Viking-esque men, with the names of different Indonesian military 
bases or agencies, or government posts. Another set featured accounts with 
pictures of pigs.

The discovery illuminates how different interest groups operated within the MCA 
network for nefarious political ends. It also highlights how easy it is to game 
social media networks, especially Twitter.

With an army of bots, semi-automated and fake accounts, it is relatively simple 
to sway public perception, propel a hashtag into a trending list, or engineer 
an online poll.

  Facebook image from the Muslim Cyber Army. Photograph: Facebook

In the lead-up to what is expected to be a heated 2019 presidential election – 
a likely replay of the bitter 2014 contest – the MCA has regularly generated 
questionable surveys. The polls often feature a picture of the two expected 
candidates, current president Joko Widodo, and his rival, former army general 
Prabowo Subianto.

Under pictures of the two men, users are asked to retweet for Prabowo or “like” 
for Widodo.

The results, retweeted by thousands of seemingly fake accounts and bots, 
invariably sway in the former general’s favour.

Viciously targeted

Last year there

Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-12 Terurut Topik [GELORA45]
ada benarnya juga, yg satu memakai kekuasaan yg ada ditangan utk memberangus, 
yg satunya lagi memakai isue hoax primordial agama.

---In,  wrote :

 Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedang 
 memerangi hoax tapi sekedar memberangus lawan-lawan 

 Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengain 
 hoax mobil esemka.

 --- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

 Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

 Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake 
Twitter accounts and violent propaganda
  A screengrab from the Muslim Cyber Army acebook page. Photograph: Facebook 

 Police in Indonesia believe they 
have uncovered a clandestine fake news operation designed to corrupt the 
political process and destabilise the government.
 In a string of arrests across the archipelago in recent weeks, authorities 
have revealed the inner workings of a self-proclaimed cyber-jihadist network 
known as the Muslim Cyber Army (MCA).
 The network is accused of spreading fake news and hate speech to inflame 
religious and ethnic schisms; fan paranoia around gay men and lesbians, alleged 
communists and Chinese people; and spread defamatory content to undermine the 
 Police say the network was orchestrated through a central Whatsapp group 
called the Family MCA.
 One wing was tasked with stockpiling divisive content to disseminate, while a 
separate “sniper” team was employed to hack accounts and spread computer 
viruses on the electronic devices of their opponents.
 The arrest of 14 individuals is the second such syndicate police have busted 
in the last year – deepening fears around Indonesia’s vulnerability to the 
pernicious spread of fake news.
 False accounts and lies In the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, among 
the top five biggest users of Facebook and Twitter globally, some say it is 
unsurprising that rising religiosity and racial division is playing out 
viciously online.
 It is in this environment that the Muslim Cyber Army was born and has since 
thrived, in a digital ecosystem flush with bots, fake accounts and lies.
 A Guardian investigation conducted over several months uncovered one 
coordinated cluster of the Muslim Cyber Army on Twitter.
  Identical tweets from bots. Photograph: Twitter 



 The investigation identified:
 A matryoshka doll-like system of more than 100 bots or semi-automated accounts.
 Links between the cyber army and opposition parties, as well as the military. 
Details of 103 cases of brutal “bounty hunting” incited by the 
“cyber-jihadists”. The network identified by the Guardian was created for the 
sole purpose of tweeting inflammatory content and messages designed to amplify 
social and religious division, and push a hardline Islamist and anti-government 
 Tell-tale signs of a bot The messaging was cleverly designed to appeal to 
broad Islamic sympathies.
 Posts about the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar and Palestine, for example, 
were mixed in with domestically inspired vitriol, hatred for the Chinese 
minority, or support for hardline Indonesian figures and their protests.

 The network, which functioned between July and November 2017, had all the 
tell-tale signs of a bot, or network of semi-automated accounts.
 Posts wer

Re: [GELORA45] Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's leader

2018-03-12 Terurut Topik ajeg [GELORA45]
Artinya betul pemerintah memang bukan sedang memerangi hoax tapi sekedar 
memberangus lawan-lawan politiknya. 
Ya mau bilang apa, rezim ini memang dimulai dengain hoax mobil esemka.
--- jonathangoeij@... wrote:

Muslim Cyber Army: a 'fake news' operation designed to bring down Indonesia's 

Police in Indonesia make arrests as Guardian investigation reveals fake Twitter 
accounts and violent propaganda

  A screengrab from the Muslim Cyber Army acebook page. Photograph: Facebook

Police in Indonesia believe they have uncovered a clandestine fake news 
operation designed to corrupt the political process and destabilise the 

In a string of arrests across the archipelago in recent weeks, authorities have 
revealed the inner workings of a self-proclaimed cyber-jihadist network known 
as the Muslim Cyber Army (MCA).

The network is accused of spreading fake news and hate speech to inflame 
religious and ethnic schisms; fan paranoia around gay men and lesbians, alleged 
communists and Chinese people; and spread defamatory content to undermine the 

Police say the network was orchestrated through a central Whatsapp group called 
the Family MCA.

One wing was tasked with stockpiling divisive content to disseminate, while a 
separate “sniper” team was employed to hack accounts and spread computer 
viruses on the electronic devices of their opponents.

The arrest of 14 individuals is the second such syndicate police have busted in 
the last year – deepening fears around Indonesia’s vulnerability to the 
pernicious spread of fake news.

False accounts and lies

In the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, among the top five biggest users 
of Facebook and Twitter globally, some say it is unsurprising that rising 
religiosity and racial division is playing out viciously online..

It is in this environment that the Muslim Cyber Army was born and has since 
thrived, in a digital ecosystem flush with bots, fake accounts and lies.

A Guardian investigation conducted over several months uncovered one 
coordinated cluster of the Muslim Cyber Army on Twitter.

  Identical tweets from bots. Photograph: Twitter

The investigation identified:
   - A matryoshka doll-like system of more than 100 bots or semi-automated 

   - Links between the cyber army and opposition parties, as well as the 
   - Details of 103 cases of brutal “bounty hunting” incited by the 

The network identified by the Guardian was created for the sole purpose of 
tweeting inflammatory content and messages designed to amplify social and 
religious division, and push a hardline Islamist and anti-government line.

Tell-tale signs of a bot

The messaging was cleverly designed to appeal to broad Islamic sympathies.

Posts about the persecution of Muslims in Myanmar and Palestine, for example, 
were mixed in with domestically inspired vitriol, hatred for the Chinese 
minority, or support for hardline Indonesian figures and their protests.

The network, which functioned between July and November 2017, had all the 
tell-tale signs of a bot, or network of semi-automated accounts.

Posts were often identical in nature, with the same text, meme or hashtag 
repeated dozens of times. The accounts would sometimes tweet up to 30 times a 
day. All accounts were opaque, with no name or location, and followed 
identifiable patterns.

One group of 30 accounts, for example, featured striking profile photos of 
bearded, Viking-esque men, with the names of different Indonesian military 
bases or agencies, or government posts. Another set featured accounts with 
pictures of pigs.

The discovery illuminates how different interest groups operated within the MCA 
network for nefarious political ends. It also highlights how easy it is to game 
social media networks, especially Twitter.

With an army of bots, semi-automated and fake accounts, it is relatively simple 
to sway public perception, propel a hashtag into a trending list, or engineer 
an online poll.

  Facebook image from the Muslim Cyber Army. Photograph: Facebook

In the lead-up to what is expected to be a heated 2019 presidential election – 
a likely replay of the bitter 2014 contest – the MCA has regularly generated 
questionable surveys. The polls often feature a picture of the two expected 
candidates, current president Joko Widodo, and his rival, former army general 
Prabowo Subianto.

Under pictures of the two men, users are asked to retweet for Prabowo or “like” 
for Widodo.

The results, retweeted by thousands of seemingly fake accounts and bots, 
invariably sway in the former general’s favour.

Viciously targeted

Last year there was 103 cases of so-called bounty hunting orchestrated by the 
Muslim Cyber Army, which circulated lists of people to attack – including their 
names, addresses, and identities of family members.

People deemed to have criticised Islam on social media accoun