Ok, I've brought this up a couple of times before, but now it's really coming
The two diffs change some of the default names.

The new default output directory will be 'm5out' instead of '.'
The new stats output will be 'stats.txt' instead of 'm5stats.txt'
The new config output will be 'config' instead of 'config.ini'
The first diff makes the above changes while adding an option for the
name of the config output.  Everything can be overridden by .m5/options.py

The second diff fixes up all of the tests and also is updated for the
stdout -> simout and stderr -> simerr change

Unless there is some major objection, i'm going to push these changes soon.
My biggest problem is the default output directory of '.', and we agreed
on the name m5out already.  As for the other two, since we're changing
the default output, we may as well come up with better names.  having m5 in
the stats output name seems redundant.  having .ini in the config seems wrong
since even though the output is .ini style, it is not a configuration file
and I think that might be a bit confusing.  We could add .txt to config
if people care, and I can easily update things.  The argument for having
.txt on stats was that we could dump other formats, and I guess the same
argument could apply for config.
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