I'm trying to implement a few of the system calls. The system call 318 includes 
copying random bytes to a void* few. However, in the src/sim/syscall_emul.cc 
file, I could not find any use of void* there are uses of VPtr<>. I'm not sure 
whether they are the same thing.

Also, I looked into the implementation of VPtr<> 
http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~swilson/gem5-docs/vptr_8hh_source.html#l00083 and 
there is no functionality of inserting elements into the underlying buffer 
attribute. I tried creating the BufferArg object and then calling its 
bufferPtr() method, however, I'm not sure if this is the best method. Some of 
the examples make use of std::memcpy on the bufferPtr, but I do not have any 
other buffer object to copy from.

Can someone please confirm whether VPtr<> is the alternative of void* and 
whether there is any other way to implement
for (int i = 0; i < size ; i++) {buf[i] = some random byte;} using VPtr<>
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