Hi all,

Recently I am doing 4-core X86 FS simulation running Parsec benchmark.
However, except for the first cpu0, cpu1, cpu2, cpu3 all has zero
activities as in stats.txt and I am using script freqmine.rcS:

cd parsec
/sbin/m5 dumpstats
/sbin/m5 resetstats
./run freqmine simsmall 4
m5 exit

Anyone has any idea? I have got stuck here for a quite while..

The command for build I use is:
scons build/X86/gem5.opt RUBY=True PROTOCOL=MOESI_hammer -j 4

Then I use the below command to create a check point right after the system
booting with simple cpu mode:

build/X86/gem5.opt -d m5out/cpt_general configs/example/fs.py --ruby -n 4

The command for running the benchmark in detailed mode:
build/X86/gem5.opt -d m5out/freqmine_n4_200ns configs/example/fs.py --ruby
-n 4 --caches --l2cache --checkpoint-dir=m5out/cpt_general -r 1
--restore-with-cpu=DerivO3CPU --script=simsmall/freqmine.rcS

Thanks a lot in advance!!
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