
I am exploring the usage of the Gem5-GPU model GCN3_X86 (version
I have the following queries/questions if you could kindly clarify:

1. In previous versions of Gem5 we could use --outdir or -d option to
redirect the output to a specific directory. That appears to be not
supported in the version specified above (please correct me if I am wrong).
Is there any other way to redirect simulation outputs to specific
directories other than m5out? Otherwise, is there any other way to run
multiple instances of gem5, ensuring that the stats.txt of one application
is not overwritten by other instances running at the same time and saving
the output in the same directory (m5out).

2. For GCN3_X86, I assume -mem-type defines available memory models for
CPU/Host memory. By the default settings, does this work as a "Unified
Memory" ? If not, how to define the memory type for the GPU (global
memory), if it is different from CPU main memory?

3. --list-rp-types lists the available replacement policies, but what is
the option to select one of those?

4. -n defines the number of CPUs or cores, L1d_size and L2_size should be
the size per core or per CPU?

5. Are there any output parameters that report % of resources (e.g. CUs)
used by the application, or quantify memory contention in unified memory?


*K. Zaman*
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