
1. I remember using CommMonitor with DerivO3CPU for a small example and the
output looked fine to me. Maybe someone else can point out if there is
something fundamentally broken.

2. You should be able to use gem5/util/decode_packet_trace.py to convert
the generated trace (after decompressing it) to human readable format. I
think the trace will generally have a time stamp, information about the
request, and physical address (as far as I remember).

3. I think you should be able to connect it between l1dcache and cpu the
same way you do between l2 cache and membus. For example, cpu's requestor
port should be connected with the comm monitor's responder port and
monitor's requestor port should be connected with dcache's responder port.


On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 7:50 PM yujiecui--- via gem5-users <
gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:

> I want to record the access details of the cache. I saw some answers,
> saying that CommMonitor can help. But no more details were found.
> I have some questions about CommMonitor?
> 1. First of all, can Commmonitor be used for DerivO3CPU or only
> TimingSimpleCPU? I tried it on DerivO3CPU and there was output. But
> somewhere I seem to hear that it cannot be used for DerivO3CPU.
> 2. My understanding of CommMonitor is that it is like a filter. The data
> flowing through it is recorded. For example, add commMonitor between l2 and
> membus,
>      system.monitor2 = CommMonitor()
>      system.monitor2.trace = MemTraceProbe(trace_file = "CT_mon2.trc.gz")
>      system.monitor2.slave = system.l2.mem_side
>      system.membus.slave = system.monitor2.master
>      system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.master
> The output format is :
>  11500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>   77000: system.monitor2: Latency: 65500
>   77000: system.monitor2: Received read response
>  103000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  104000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  165000: system.monitor2: Latency: 62000
>  165000: system.monitor2: Received read response
>  170000: system.monitor2: Latency: 66000
>  170000: system.monitor2: Received read response
>  194500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  200500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  243000: system.monitor2: Latency: 48500
>  243000: system.monitor2: Received read response
>  249000: system.monitor2: Latency: 48500
>  249000: system.monitor2: Received read response
>  267500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  269500: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
>  274000: system.monitor2: Forwarded read request
> The generated CT_mon2.trc.gz file is a binary file after decompression,
> what should I do to see the data inside? It would be better if I can output
> the address and data
> 3. How to use it between l1dcache and cpu?
> Thanks for all related answers. I also put the question on Stackoverflow.
> Below is the website.
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64962277/how-to-use-commmonitor-in-gem5
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