It's not terribly useful, but you can list all SimObjects with `gem5.opt
--list-simobjects` (or something like that, use `gem5.opt --help` to find
the exact argument).

You can also check in the src/mem/ directory for files that end in .py.
These files are the SimObject description files and all SimObjects can be
found in similar files. Since you're interested in the memory system, say,
you'll find the memory objects in src/mem.


On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 3:40 AM 1348046572--- via gem5-users <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have studied the gem5 documentation.
> But now I'm confused about how can I know what SimObjects can I use.
> Are there any documents I can look up to know all the already implemented
> SimObjects?
> For example, if I want to use the memory bus in gem5, I even don't know
> any other SimObjects'name except for SystemXBar mentioned in the
> getting-started documentation.
> system.membus = SystemXBar()
> I want to use gem5 to build a domain-specific accelerator. So I need to
> know all the SimObjects I can use in gem5.
> Thank you very much.
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