On 3/19/2024 4:54 AM, Sasi Kiran Reddy via gem5-users wrote:
Hi Guys,

When i am simulating some of the spec2006 benchmarks like bzip2, libq,namd etc in x86. The simulation is getting stuck in the middle. with the warning message as "warn: MOVNTDQ: Ignoring non-temporal hint, modeling as cacheable!".

May I know how to rectify this error and run my simulation smoothly in x86?

The underlying engine does not support the hint,
and will execute the instruction as MOVDQ.  This
is fine.  You can just ignore the warning.  It
may not lead to exactly the same cache contents,
misses, etc., as on a real processor, but there
are many other small ways in which simulations
are not exact replicas of real CPUs.

Best wishes - Eliot Moss
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