Hi everyone,

We are sending this email to be as transparent as possible. The gem5
community is respectful and inclusive of all people, and we enforce these
standards in all community spaces. We as members, contributors, and leaders
pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience
for everyone. See the code of conduct for details:

The PMC was recently notified of a potential code of conduct violation. We
reviewed this complaint and came to the conclusion that we should not
enforce our code of conduct outside of gem5's community spaces (e.g.,
GitHub or Stack Overflow).

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the project management committee (PMC). The point of contact
for code of conduct violations is David Wood (da...@cs.wisc.edu) or any
other member of the PMC. See the MAINTAINERS file for a list of the current
PMC members and email addresses. All complaints will be reviewed and
investigated promptly and fairly.

The gem5 PMC
gem5-users mailing list -- gem5-users@gem5.org
To unsubscribe send an email to gem5-users-le...@gem5.org

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