
I am trying to run a TensorflowLite CPP application on gem5-ARM. I see that the 
application runs perfectly fine when I run it on a native ARM machine. However, 
its not the case when I try running it through gem5 SE run. I get the following 

Error in cpuinfo: failed to parse the list of possible processors in 
Error in cpuinfo: failed to parse the list of present processors in 
Error in cpuinfo: failed to parse both lists of possible and present processors

It's a very simple program consisting of a model with just one simple FCN layer.

I am supposing it's because I am trying to run it using SE Mode. If that's the 
case how can one run such TF applications on gem5, because I see that most ML 
applications try parsing the cpuinfo (I might be wrong)? Could anyone please 
help me with this issue?

I am also open to suggestions that are concerned with running different 
TF/Pytorch etc ML CPP applications on gem5.

Thanks in advance!
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