This draft was approved for publication (at 06), and then pulled from the RFC Editor queue for revisions to meet requirements of other SDOs, including OMA. It's being re-Last Called, because of the scope of changes made after approval.

As the Gen-ART reviewer for 06 (, I re-reviewed version 11 for Last Call.

This draft is almost ready for publication as a Proposed Standard. There is one burst of incoherency that should be fixed. In 8.2.3, this text appears:

  Not any <bar> element may precede one or multiple <foo> elements.

I have no idea how this actually parses - was the intention that "No <bar> element...", or something else?

This comment should be processed with any other comments received at Last Call.

I should also say that the updated sections seem much clearer than the 05-06 versions of the corresponding text. Good job.



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