On 10/25/2013 7:35 PM, Risker wrote:
It's controversial because there are women who assumed a male role, but were definitely women in their personal life. So your definition there would be to assign them the male gender but the female sex.

And I disagree....what's being assigned there is sex, not gender.

It's also controversial because some feminists have questioned various aspects of this promotion of gender over sex and been highly abused for it, from name calling to shutting down speeches and conferences, to creating phony highly bigoted websites and letters and threats pretending to be written by radical feminists, to death threats as some of the articles below describe. I haven't studied enough to have a definitive opinion on it all myself, though I appreciate many radical feminist statements.

Four good counterpunch articles



http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/06/21/55123/ The Emperor’s New Penis

http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/08/02/sex-is-not-gender/ Best one of four

Statement by radical feminists

Which has been authenticated here as not being a fake document put together by those who harass them: http://gendertrender.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/authenticity-of-the-forbidden-discourse-the-silencing-of-feminist-critique-of-gender-statement-has-been-confirmed/

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