Present: Art Anger, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

1) Bob began by talking about the template that he has been developing to 
create navigation bars and wiki pages which should speed up the transition if 
he ever gets around to implementing it. He also mentioned the Julia programming 
language web page which uses icons heavily and could potentially flatten the 
hierarchy of the wiki pages if it were to be used. This 
may lead to a future adjustment to how many layers the navigation has. 

2) Art mentioned that some of the pages on the prototype wiki have duplicated 
search bars. This is a result of the addition that Raul was able to make to the 
MediaWiki Site notice functionality that allowed the search bar to be moved out 
of the content. Contrast these two pages to see the difference. vs

3) Bob talked about there will be a developer tab that will be added along side 
the newcomer tab that would provide a boost to those who are interested in 
developing for J in the specific ways that may be of interest to developers. In 
both the cases of Developers and Newcomers the more specific navigation bar 
would be used and possibly have a link on the page that would return you to the 
Reference tab if that is how you came to the page.

4) Raul wondered about what the next steps are for things that he might be 
involved with with php or bot coding. Bob felt that bringing the J code search 
box to be able to work with categories (perhaps with a minimum of 10 pages 
using the category to reduce the number of categories in the search). Also, to 
make the wiki sign-up easier for newcomers. Other than that the ongoing work on 
the wiki will be more involved with community building and finding ways to 
increase community participation in building the wiki. Raul wondered if there 
would be security restrictions in changing the J search code since it involves 
php and javascript. Bob suggested that it might be brought in as an extension. 
Raul also wondered if gadgets might work as a different wiki tool. There might 
be opportunities to build on the navigation structure to trim the number of 
pages that would be searched. As an example, you might be able to eliminate 
archived pages from a search and make it much quicker.

For access to previous meeting reports  

If you would like to participate in the development of the J wiki please 
contact us on the general forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J 
wiki meeting held on Thursdays at 24:00 (UTC) Next meeting is December 22nd, 
For information about J forums see

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