Present: Art Anger, Devon McCormick, Raul Miller, and Bob Therriault

1) Raul began by showing an APL  doc 
that could be a model to allow for roll over of characters and information that 
may provide an easy way for users to be able to interact with the language as 
they learn it. Devon mentioned that the groupings of the different functions 
were useful for understanding as well. Bob said that the last step that he sees 
for the J playground is that it gets a permanent link and then links could 
start to be created for examples in NuVoc that could be useful for newcomers.

2) There was discussion about a forum post of a newcomer and that the fact that 
although many different backgrounds for newcomers to the language there would 
be some common traits that might be worth considering as the wiki is built out. 
This lead into a discussion of what a similar structure would look like for 
developers. There might be a need to be able to show potential developers that 
there are bridges to other languages, since many potential developers may be 
interested in using tools from other languages such as Python. Py'nAPL was 
mentioned as a bridge to Dyalog APL. 

3)Brainstorming areas that we think that developers would like to access, we 
came up the fact that many of the essays in J provide useful information at a 
developer level. Raul pointed out that there are a wide range of developers and 
tha should be taken into account. Bob used the example that it would be good to 
have interoperability with other languages. Raul pointed out that often that 
sort of interoperability requires a champion to develop. Bob felt that it is 
more important to have sections of the wiki that provide a place for those type 
of essays to exist because that would promote more of those interoperability 
essays. Other areas might be the existing graphics and plot areas of the 
language. Devon is looking at data structures that many languages use, but may 
not be as useful in J. One of the areas that Devon is interested in is how hash 
tables would be used in J. The explanation may have two approaches. One may be 
a discussion that shows why a data structure may not be necessary in J to get 
the required functionality and the second could be an explanation of how the 
same sort of functionality can be achieved with J's tools. It was pointed out 
that hash table are over hyped in college courses, but may not be as useful in 
reality. Bob talked about the way that Henry Rich's J for C programmers 
approaches the concept of loops and the ways that J is able to use other 
techniques to get the same results that would require loops in other languages. 
This might be done for a number of other data structures. 

4) The goal for the wiki structure for developers may be to provide a boost 
that allows developers to become effective more quickly. Bob used the example 
of Apter Trees that can simulate the tree data structure and leverage the power 
of array languages. Without the explanation of these type of techniques a 
developer may leave language because they do not know how to create the 
foundation that their applications may require. Raul pointed out that there are 
a variety of ways to use these data structures and that in order to be useful 
the information may need to create a number of examples that cover the 
different ways that the data structure may be used. From a recent ArrayCast 
episode, guest John Earnest mentioned that a lot of his work involved extending 
the array languages into multimedia. J was mentioned as a language that has a 
lot of existing hooks, but these have not been developed in a way that makes it 
easy for beginners to use. Extending the use of the language to these different 
domains may be a good way to increase the popularity of the language.   

5) Bob then outlined a plan to introduce the new navigation to the wiki during 
the month of January and use the style of the prototype wiki to start to organize the content of 
the existing wiki . 

For access to previous meeting reports  

If you would like to participate in the development of the J wiki please 
contact us on the general forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J 
wiki meeting held on Thursdays at 24:00 (UTC) Next meeting is January 5th, 2023.
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