Present: Art Anger, Raul Miller and Bob Therriault

1) Bob showed some of the work he has been doing on the wiki structure. He has been using an ability to 
rename pages as a way to make navigation easier, since the file structure shows 
up if the page is not renamed which is a problem when you have content brought 
together from different parts of the wiki. Bob was still working on removing 
the breadcrumbs from the pages which have a similar problem with exposing the 
file structure. 

2) Bob want so use Nav Bars on main 
pages down to certain level, but not for every page since that would make it 
too difficult to have other people add pages. Nav Bars on the main pages should 
not have to change very much because at that level there are not too many 
changes other than tweaks to content. 

3) Bob is working through a problem with having different content for different 
areas. For example, the Newcomers version of Essays would be different than the 
full Reference version of Essays. This would mean that there would need to be 
more curation on the Newcomers section to ensure that the information is 
appropriate for learning the language. Raul suggested that Bob talk to Henry 
Rich and Cliff Reiter to use their experience with teaching learners. Bob also 
felt that Ian Clark would be a good resource.  

4) Bob and Raul discussed using the Archived folder as a repository for expired pages and 
Raul suggested the  orphan pages are good candidates for Archived.

5) Raul walked Bob through the process of clearing the cache on his wiki pages 
to update the favicon icons on the tabs.

6) Bob had also been doing work on the Add-ons section and included a 
Developer's Checklist that he updated from the SVN repository version to the 
new Github version.

7) Bob's next step is to develop the Essay section similar to the way that the 
Add-ons was done. He would plan to include the work that Art had done on Essays 
as an index to the Essay groupings.

For access to previous meeting reports 

If you would like to participate in the development of the J wiki please 
contact us on the general forum and we will get you an invitation to the next J 
wiki meeting held on Thursdays at 23:00 (UTC) Next meeting is October 27th, 
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